User:MartinPoulter Jisc
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This account is for my work on the Expert outreach/Jisc Ambassador project. For my work outside the project, as a Wikimedia UK volunteer, see User:MartinPoulter.
Activity log
- 5 September: Second part of final report goes live: Lessons learned from the Jisc/ Wikimedia UK partnership
- 28 August: First part of final report goes live: The Jisc/Wikimedia UK partnership in facts and figures
- July: writing 5,000+ words of final report, to be published as blog posts once both Wikimedia UK and Jisc staff have seen them.
- 3 July: Project summary goes live on Jisc and Wikimedia UK blogs: Let's get serious about Wikipedia
- June: writing short summary of project for blog publication
- 14 March: Writing summary for WMUK Annual Review
- 11-12 March: Attending and delivering sessions at Jisc Digital Festival.
- 10 March: Preparing for Digital Festival
- 5 March: (half day) Follow-up on events and finance
- 4 March: Reporting evaluation and recording contacts from Wellcome and Coventry events; follow-up emails
- 3 March: Delivering workshop at Coventry and processing evaluation forms
- 28 February: (half day) Writing and promoting blog post for launch of infokit
- 26 February: Delivering Wellcome Library Editathon
- 25 February: Travelling to London, meetings at WMUK office; Education Committee meeting in evening
- 24 February: Preparing slides and handouts for next two events; emails with event organisers
- 21 February: Emails for next two events.
- 19 February: Writing additional section for infokit
- 17-18 February: Copyediting of infokit. Blog post on information literacy goes live. Booking and correspondence for Digital Festival
- 12 February: (half day): Working on text for Jisc Guide and flowchart.
- 10 February: In London for meetings at Jisc and WMUK
- Action: write summary for Annual review 2013-14
- Action: write summary for Annual review 2013-14
- 5 February: (half day) Writing monthly report, further work related to infokit and case studies
- 4 February: (half day) Improving case study text. Emails about forthcoming events. Correspondence with Ruth Page
- 3 February: (half day) Correspondence about WT Editathon and prospective future event. Hear confirmation from Spotlight on the Digital that internal Jisc report mentions Wikimedia as an important partner. Responding to query about Coventry workshop. Finish and submit "ten tips" draft for Jisc Inform
- 29 January: More work on Jisc Inform listicle. Working through expenses and financial management.
- 28 January: (half day) Changes to infokit text. Setting date and time of Coventry workshop. Email publicity for Wellcome Editathon
- 27 January: More writing up of workshop evaluation; initial contact about Coventry workshop; publicity for forthcoming editathon; copyediting infokit; more work on Jisc Inform listicle.
- 24 January: Not a work day, but did some work on writing up of evaluation, started work on Jisc Inform "ten tips" article. Got positive feedback on first draft of infokit.
- 23 January: Gave workshop for staff in Bath Spa University
- 21 January: (half day) Preparing for coming workshop and catching up with some actions. Blog for the project goes live, including Southall case study
- 10 January, 13-19 January: sprint to finish up infokit: off email. About 7000 words written to bring total to around 14500.
- 7 January: Setting up booking form and project pages for Wellcome editathon. End-of-year report. Starting to put posts in project blog.
- 3 January: Catching up on missed correspondence over the holidays. Improvements to three blog post drafts. Wellcome editathon date set for 26th.
- 19 December: Phone call with Phoebe Harkins, Wellcome Library, about editathon. Other correspondence.
- Action: send Hilary an email for HELF list (once case study is online)
- Action: add researcher opportunities (portal and newsletter) to flowchart
- 18 December: (half day) More work on documentation and correspondence.
- 16 December: (half day) Visit to Jisc offices in London. Full meeting with Peter Findlay about project progress and especially about communication needs. Write and submit three proposals to the Jisc Digital Festival.
- 13 December: Skype meeting with Lis Parcell, Jisc RSC Wales, about Digital Festival
- 12 December: (half day) Write up briefing on journal-to-wiki publication, with input from Daniel Mietchen
- 11 December: Some blog-writing and correspondence chasing up communications. Phone/email with Coleg Cymraeg about licensing and the Jisc contract.
- 9 December: Interview Ruth Page, University of Leicester, for blog post about digital literacy. Wrote a separate briefing about Wikipedia for digital literacy and shared with some education contacts for review.
- 6 December: Blog post about digitised content goes live on Jisc Digitisation and Content Programme blog. Writing report for Jisc Engage newsletter. Correspondence about upcoming events. Audio meeting with Daria from WMUK and Peter from Jisc about evaluation of the project.
- 4 December: Various catch-ups on reporting and finance. More work on documentation.
- 3 December: Return from Newcastle: analysing and writing up evaluation and action forms.
- 2 December: Hotdesking at QUILT, University of Newcastle. Delivering "Research Impact and Open Education" workshop: see Expert_outreach/Jisc_Ambassador/Research_impact_and_open_education#Newcastle and [1]. 2 hr meeting with Steve Boneham and Chris Young of Jisc Netskills about potentially delivering a webinar, about creating open training resources for academics, and about how Wikipedia culture maps onto the "visitors and residents" terminology.
- 1 December: Travelling to Newcastle and preparing revised version of workshop.
- 28 November: "Day off" but in for a few hours to follow up various loose ends. Audio meeting with Ruth Page of the University of Leicester about possible projects using Wikipedia for research and teaching.
- 26 November: Extending report. Further correspondence with Jisc and Sero Consulting. Other emails relating to forthcoming Newcastle trip. Received helpful reply from Jisc Legal: requested permission to post it publicly.
- 25 November: Meeting with Hilary Griffiths of University of Bristol (and Heads of eLearning Forum (HeLF)) about a Bristol event and academic outreach. Various emails relating to comms and evaluation of past events and planning for next week's workshop. Finished and sent a briefing to Sero Consulting and Jisc about the discovery of digital content. Sent a query to Jisc Legal about copyright in academic journals, to follow up a query from a workshop attendee.
- 20 November: Briefly hotdesking at WMUK office in morning in final preparations for editathon. Presentation and leading the Wikipedia training at Wikipedia/WikiVet editathon. Tour of the Royal Veterinary College building. John Cummings used some of the event to take photos in the building's museum. We had dinner with Wikipedians and WikiVet staff and discussed future work, educational assignments and Wikimania 2014.
- 19 November: Presentation to Jisc Innovation Group; discussing crowdsourcing and the value of free content, the Wikimedia family including Wikidata, wiki-to-journal and journal-to-wiki publication, and Wikimedia as an ecosystem. Stayed for lunch to discuss some future possibilities for the partnership. Review meeting at Jisc offices with Peter Findlay. Hotdesking and some printing at the WMUK office, including working on a new introductory presentation about Wikipedia.
- 18 November: Preparations for this week's Innovation Group presentation and Vets Editathon.
- 17 November: Writing up evaluation forms & reflections from Sheffield event. Writing reflections on Friday's workshop.
- 15 November: At Brettenham House in London to lead a session in the "Spotlight on the Digital- Enhancing Discoverability" forum. See Lorna Campbell's Storify of the day, with many mentions of Wikipedia and GLAM outreach. Visited WMUK office. After work, met John Cummings, Wikipedian in Residence at the Natural History Museum, to talk about our respective projects and share suggestions.
- 14 November: Delivering workshop at University of Sheffield: see Expert_outreach/Jisc_Ambassador/Research_impact_and_open_education#Sheffield
- 13 November: Preparations for next two days' events. Follow-up emails from EduWiki and documenting new academic contacts on the office wiki.
- 12 November: took part in Education Committee meeting
- 10 November: created Storify of Day Two of EduWiki
- 9 November: created Storify of Day One of EduWiki
- 6 November: expenses catch-up, email catch-up, re-submit blog comment that was deleted. Blog comment now published. Responding to some requests. Writing up contacts from Oxford event in office wiki & feedback from EduWiki on the conference page. Contacted someone who worked at the QAA to ask about working with that body.
- 5 November: Sharing slides from EduWiki. Visiting WMUK office to meet Rod Dunican of the Wikimedia Foundation (topics: Wikipedia educational assignments in the UK- what's happened so far; how Foundation can help education projects in the UK; changes to outreach materials (wiki and booklets); sharing practice across international network). Editing blog post. Emails catch-up. First attempt at designing a session for the Innovation Group meeting.
- 4 November: Arranging to speak at Spotlight on the Digital event.
- 1 and 2 November: EduWiki Conference 2013 at Cardiff. Two presentations, one workshop session, plus closing session, and chair for numerous sessions. Collect "prescription pad" forms from some attendees.
- Jisc profile at this conference:
- Keynote by David White about his Jisc-funded research on learners and their use of information resources
- workshop led by Terry McAndrew of Jisc TechDis
- Lis Parcell of Jisc RSC Wales in attendance (and tweeting prolifically!)
- My four sessions relating to my project
- Action: Write up "prescription pad" requests and respond.
- Jisc profile at this conference:
- 31 October: preparations (slides, rehearsals, printing) for sessions at EduWiki.
- 30 October: Visit Jisc office in Bristol. Preparing for, and taking part in, Jisc Digital Media webinar on finding and using video and audio materials, including discussion of free licences.
- 23 October: Audio meeting with Sara Hassen about comms. Preparing notes on Commons for next week's webinar. Planning sessions for EduWiki. Transferring some of plan to wiki
- 22 October: Audio meeting with Toni Sant about EduWiki conference. Various emails. Work on "logic model" aspect of plan
- 21 October: Working at One Castlepark (truncated due to illness): met Steve Hull to discuss JDM webinar. Recording publicity from last week's events. Following up on some contacts
- 17 October: Uploading slides and reflections from Oxford's teaching workshop. Polishing the articles, adding Wikiproject banners and writing up outcomes from editathon. Much Twitter excitement about Ada Lovelace Day events. Communications with WikiVet about next editathon
- 16 October (day off): Writing reflections about yesterday's events
- 15 October: In Oxford, delivering workshop in morning and (with Doug Taylor and Dan Garry) editathon in afternoon. Guest post goes live on "23 things" blog. Guardian Higher Education Network article mentions the editathon and the Jisc/ Wikimedia UK partnership
- 14 October: Preparing for the two events the next day in Oxford
- 12 October: Some work preparing presentation materials
- 10 October: Visit to Jisc offices in London to meet Peter, discussing overview of the project and success criteria
- Action: finish Logic Model for project
- Action: finish Logic Model for project
- 9 October: Phone meeting with Kathryn at Oxford; various emails, including arranging pre-event email to editathon registrants
- 8 October: office induction to One Castlepark; more work on documentation; comment on use of ORCID in Wikipedia for Jisc blog (disappeared in their system for some reason); created embassy on Wikipedia; spoke to Stephen Hull about participation in Jisc webinar.
- 7 October: working at One Castlepark; more work on workshop materials
- 3 October: Preparing workshop materials; following up Imperial College contact & other email contacts; finance queries with University of Bristol
- 1 October: Phone meeting with Katharine from Oxford about planning for editathon; finish and deliver blog post draft (this will be published later this month under a free licence); short Skype meeting with Nick and Chris from WikiVet about planning for editathon. Followed up about Learning and Teaching Experts Group workshop: this is now not possible, but I submitted a slide for inclusion in opening presentation.
- 30 September: Phone meeting with Toni Sant; activities related to EduWiki Conference; writing blog post for Oxford Uni
- 28 September: Attended Wikidata training in London. Showed Addshore the Wikidata intro I've been working on. Collected paper materials for Oxford events.
- 25 September: Audio meeting with Mike Pidd of HRI at Sheffield about events. In-person meeting with Sara Hassen of Jisc about comms plan. More documentation writing and emails.
- Action: Share blog post text and event details with Sara
- Action: Send abstract to Mike
- Action: Share blog post text and event details with Sara
- 24 September: More work on documentation and presentation materials. Contacting Steve Wheeler at Plymouth about this blog post
- 23 September: Audio meeting with WikiVet's Nick Short about editathon. Working on documentation & on presentation materials. Making contact with the Humanities Research Institute at University of Sheffield.
- 20 September: Editathon preparations & emails
- 19 September: On-wiki publicity and emails. Created Expert outreach/Jisc Ambassador/Research impact and open education for this series of workshops
- 18 September: Reported to the Education Committee meeting
- 17 September: Created Collaborate/Evaluate; Other correspondence related to editathons and university events
- 16 September: prepare registration form for Women In Science editathon; working on detailed plan. Phone meeting with Jisc Netskills
- Action: Identify supporting trainers for editathons
Done for Women In Science,
Done for Veterinary Science
- Action: Identify supporting trainers for editathons
- 14 September: various correspondence; brainstorming a table of overlaps between Jisc and Wikimedia
- 13 September: visit to Jisc offices and WMUK offices in London. Long meeting with Peter about project planning and future work. Talked to Jonathan C. about content partnerships.
- Action: Finish off plan
Done Awaiting another round of feedback
- Action: Send out requests to contacts in Bath, Exeter, Newcastle, Manchester and other institutions about teaching innovation workshops :
Done requests sent to contacts in Bath Spa, Newcastle, Bath, Manchester, Exeter: Exeter contact is on research leave for duration of project. Bath, Bath Spa, Newcastle all said yes. Manchester staff busy and will get back.
- Action: Explore Jisc contacts for discussing/ documenting content partnerships (ask Peter for help identifying individuals)
Done Spotlight on the Digital event was the venue for this
- Action: Talk to Sara H. about a slot in the Jisc Digital Festival
Done discussed a "wiki literacy" workshop session. Three sessions have been proposed
- Action: Explore whether Cambridge longitude archive can be involved in scientific instruments project
- Action: Briefing paper on open publishing in Wikimedia, for innovation group meeting
- Action: Finish off plan
- 12 September: working on publicity and communications for Veterinary Science editathon and Ada Lovelace day editathon
- 11 September: visit to Jisc offices and WMUK offices in London. Long meeting with Toni and Daria about project objectives/ reporting
- 9 September: day at Jisc offices in Bristol. Writing first activity report. Writing impact report on last year's WWI editathon. Catching up on email queries.
- 2 September: Half day at UoB, half day at Jisc in Bristol. Meetings about education and about Jisc Digital Media. Circulated first draft of editathon sign-up form. More work on documentation. Got approval from Humphrey Southall for text of case study and use of images. Awaiting feedback on draft plan. Less active this week because of a conference for another job, but will make up the time in coming weeks.
- 30 August: Begin publicity for WikiVet editathon
- 29 August: Work on plan, contacts and dissemination material.
- Action: talk to PLoS contacts about J2W case study
Done Have put questions to Daniel Mietchen
- Action: talk to PLoS contacts about J2W case study
- 28 August: Skype meeting with Andrew from Jisc infoNet about development of the infoKit for this project. Other emails and work on dissemination material.
- 21 August: sent lots of emails to update contacts. Uploaded File:Journal publication timeline en.svg and File:Wiki2Journal publication timeline en.svg to illustrate Wiki to Journal publication.
- 20 August: half day. Catching up on emails. Put out call for suggestions for Wikisource brochure. Created template on WMUK wiki for flowchart.
- 5-19 August: On holiday, but part of this is at Wikimania so will be learning and writing Wikimedia-related stuff.
- 31 July: Skype meeting about Learning and Teaching
- 30 July: Working on ideas for Oxford University event, other text, contacts and planning
- Action: Investigate whether OSS Watch has advice relevant to Wikimedia
Done Very positive article about MediaWiki- maybe nothing to improve on. MediaWiki not yet included in the list of OSS used in UK Universities. Will get in touch about this.
Done OSS Watch is now independent rather than Jisc funded, but hadn't been announced on their home page.
- Action: Investigate possibility of presence at Open Source Junction event
Done Workshop on "how public sector organisations can make effective use of open source"/ "building public digital services" is possible, but not within scope of this project.
- Action: Investigate whether OSS Watch has advice relevant to Wikimedia
- 29 July: Phone meeting with Oxford University contact. Working on communications plan, infoKit specifications (looking at guidelines and existing infoKits) and communications for WikiVet editathon
- Action: write up ideas for possible session and share them
- Action: follow up on statistics for poetry archive: how many referrals from Wikipedia?
- Action: write up ideas for possible session and share them
- 26 July: Skype meeting with WikiVet
- Work on draft communications plan for editathon
Done Shared and awaiting partner input
- Answered query from Digitised Diseases
- Action: follow up with Jisc infoNet about process for creating an infoKit
- Work on draft communications plan for editathon
- 25 July: catching up on various actions.
- Phone call with Digitised Diseases project about sharing images on Commons.
- Query from Academic IT Services, University of Oxford: respond and find out what support needed
Done Arranging a training workshop
- Phone call with Digitised Diseases project about sharing images on Commons.
- 23 July: Meeting with University of Bristol accountant about contract for the project.
- 18 July: Visit to Jisc's offices in Bristol for meetings about education work and about comms. Drew up first attempt at comms plan for the project.
- Action: new case studies being published about use of Wikipedia in education: where?
Done This was a misunderstanding
- Action: arrange webinar
Doing... met with Sara Hassen to explain content and purpose: now waiting for a slot to become available
- Action: find out if the info pack produced by the project can be branded as an "infoKit"
Done Answer seems positive
- Action: explore possibility of JDM guide on Wikimedia
- Action: get onto agenda of Learning and Teaching Experts Group meeting.
Done Was bumped, but got a slide into the opening presentation
- Action: new case studies being published about use of Wikipedia in education: where?
- 17 July: Further work on project plan, emails, meeting at Jisc Collections office about media hub.
- Action: identify areas of content to focus on and feed back. Send information about Commons API for cross-searching.
- 16 July: Meeting at Jisc offices in London to work on the bulk of the project plan.
- 15 July: Skype meeting with Peter about planning
- 12 July: Still in planning/ stakeholder analysis phase
- 8/9 July: Work officially starts on the project, still in planning phase.
- Action: Respond to query from WikiVet
- Action: Write up Southall case study
- Action: Respond to query from WikiVet
- 6 July: Working on a briefing document and on on-wiki documentation
- 3 July: Attending Jisc Content programme final programme meeting in London
- Met some Jisc staff and project holders in the area of content; Gave short talk advocating Commons and Wikisource as outlets for appropriately-licenced materials
- Impressed at high level of interest in Wikipedia (mentioned in four of the day's presentations) and recognition of its place in the ecology of digital resources. There were widely varying levels of understanding of how Wikipedia works and how to engage with it, but that highlights a way this project can help.
- Action: Recommend Wellcome Library contact for MRC editathons
- Action: chase up Humphrey Southall for slides and education case study;
Done interviewed
- Action: investigate whether sea level data can be included in Wikidata;
Done Needs to be included in Wikipedia first, then that example used in a proposal to Wikidata
- Action: offer help to British Geological Survey contact with sharing 3D models;
Done (Sent email with recommendation and offer of further help)
- Action: Documentation of Wikisource (as part of planned activity, once the plan is agreed)
- 2 July
- Action: Query from User:Trevj about access to old journals. Contact Jisc staff to discuss.
- Action: Query from User:Trevj about access to old journals. Contact Jisc staff to discuss.
- 29 June/2 July Working on stakeholder analysis
- 21 June: Kickoff meeting at Jisc in London
- Met some Jisc staff; discussed Jisc structure and management; discussions about crowdsourcing of research and community design; audio-conferenced with Daria and Toni about WMUK's support for/ requirements of project; discussions about project planning and logistics