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It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice - American proverb

Presenting at OER 2014

I'm a certified Lead Trainer for Wikimedia UK in Membership Development (which means reaching out to new audiences and getting them to take their first steps as Wikipedians) and a trained Campus Ambassador as part of the Wikipedia Education Program. I have been media trained and have a few media appearances (mostly local radio) under my belt.

I invented the EduWiki Conference (based on an original drink with Fabian Tompsett) and the Wikipedia Science Conference (although Wikimedia Deutschland have been doing something very similar for a long time).

I was on the board of Wikimedia UK from April 2011 to May 2012. For the period September 2012 to mid-June 2013, I was an Associate of Wikimedia UK focusing on building partnerships with academia, stepping down to seek a related job.

At the 2021 Annual General Meeting I was given Honourary Membership of the Charity.

At the 2016 Annual General Meeting I was named UK Wikimedian of the Year 2016!

From February 2020 onwards I am the Wikimedian In Residence at the Khalili Foundation: as far as I know, the world's only WIR at a private art collection.

From October 2016 to October 2017, I worked as the Wikimedian In Residence at the University of Oxford, based at the Bodleian Libraries. My project is about embedding Wikimedia projects in researchers' and educators' work in the university.

From April 2015 to March 2016, I was employed as Wikimedian In Residence at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford. From June 2013 to April 2014, I was the Jisc Wikimedia Ambassador, running a project to explore overlaps between Jisc, Wikimedia, and academia in general.

On English Wikipedia I have more than sixteen thousand edits. I have thousands of manual edits on Wikidata, hundreds on Wikibooks, four thousand on Wikisource, and thousands of edits cataloguing scientific images on Commons.

I got my PhD from the University of Bristol and am presently employed there running the web sites for a national teaching support project. Part of my present job involves advocating open education, and giving workshops/ presentations to university staff about free licensing and remixing. For two and a half years until May 2014, I also worked in communications for a major health research project. I have taught symbolic logic and introduction to philosophy at the university.


/Declaration of interests

Opinion Essays

Activity summary

Publications and interviews

For a summary of publications and interviews about Wikimedia and Wikipedia, see my Wikipedia user page.

Workshops and presentations
Training workshops led or run solo Capacity
Adding information to Wikidata (1.5 hour online workshop for UNESCO Memory of the World team) 13 December 2024 Khalili Foundation
Wikidata for Arts and Humanities Research (3 hour online workshop for University of the Arts London) 26 October 2023 Consultant
Wikidata for Arts and Humanities Research (3 hour in-person workshop for University of the Arts London) 20 October 2023 Consultant
Editathon for Islamic art, hosted by the Khalili Research Centre and Wolfson College, Oxford 24 January 2023 Khalili Foundation
Cultural diversity editathon for visual art, hosted by Wellcome Collection 11 January 2023 Khalili Foundation
Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata: how and why? 'how to' session (afternoon workshop for staff & students at the University of Leeds) 5 July 2022 Consultant
Contributing to the global commons: A Wikipedia 'how to' session (2 hour workshop for staff & students at the University of Leeds) 5 July 2022 Consultant
Wikidata for GLAM 24 November 2021 Wikimedia UK
Taking Wikidata to the next level 23 November 2021 Wikimedia UK
Introduction to Wikidata 16 November 2021 Wikimedia UK
Wikidata for GLAM (2.5 hour online workshop for staff of the University of Oxford) 14 July 2021 Consultant
Wikidata hands-on (45-min workshop at the Wikimedia in Education UK Summit, Coventry University) 26 February 2020 Volunteer
Under the bonnet of Wikipedia (5 hour workshop for undergrads at Bath Spa University) 03 December 2019 Consultant
Educational assignments on Wikipedia (1.5 hour workshop at Maynooth University) 24 May 2019 Oxford
Asking and Answering Questions with Open Data (2 hour workshop) 20 May 2019 Economics Network
"Identifying under-representation in online spaces": 1 hour workshop at OER19 Conference, Galway, Ireland 10 April 2019 Economics Network
Quick (1 hour) introduction to Wikipedia editing (write-up by Juliet Ralph, Oxford Research Archive) 04 March 2019 Oxford
SPARQL as a Foreign Language (2hr training workshop) 28 February 2019 Oxford
Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery wikithon 07 July 2017 Volunteer
Women in German Studies 2017 22 June 2017 Bodleian
"Wikimedia tools (for historic texts)", the GW4 Archives Hackday, University of Cardiff 24 April 2017 Jisc
Improving Wikipedia in your subject area 03 March 2017 Bodleian
Trainer training Oxford 2017 27 January 2017 Bodleian
UWE Wikipedia event 14 June 2016 Volunteer
Women in Wikipedia editathon for women's history month 23 March 2016 Bodleian
Tudor Music editathon 2016 (with Faculty of Music, Oxford University) 05 February 2016 Bodleian
Editathon at the Oxford Internet Institute for Wikipedia's 15th birthday 15 January 2016 Bodleian
Free Speech Debate training workshop, University of Oxford 03 December 2015 Bodleian
World War I editathon: Oxford at War, University of Oxford 10 November 2015 Bodleian
Under the bonnet of Wikipedia, University of Oxford 04 November 2015 Bodleian
Wikipedia image-a-thon: Women in Science, University of Oxford 15 October 2015 Bodleian
Wikipedia improve-a-thon: Women in Science, University of Oxford 14 October 2015 Bodleian
Wikipedia editathon for Ada Lovelace Day, University of Oxford 13 October 2015 Bodleian
Wikisource transcribe-a-thon: Women in Science, University of Oxford 12 October 2015 Bodleian
Vatican library and Bodleian library workshop 07 July 2015 Bodleian
Wikipedia at NIMR training session/ editathon 13 November 2014 Volunteer
Wellcome Library editathon 26 February 2014 Jisc
Veterinary Science editathon 20 November 2013 Jisc
British Psychological Society workshop 10 April 2013 Volunteer
Two Knowledge Café sessions at the NIACE/ BBC Digital Learning conference 04 December 2012 Volunteer
JISC Digital Infrastructure Team workshop 08 October 2012 Volunteer
Science Learning Centre South West workshop 05 March 2012 Volunteer
Oxford Free Speech Debate workshop 27 January 2012 Volunteer
Bristol Girl Geeks Wikipedia editing event 15 January 2012 Volunteer
Institute of Physics Workshop 01 September 2011 Volunteer
Bristol Wiki Academy 2 04 July 2011 Volunteer
Bristol Wiki Academy 1 19 March 2011 Volunteer
Workshops supported
Wikidata for Education (led by Sara Thomas) 30 November 2021
"Gamifying Wikimedia – Learning through Play" at OER17: The Politics of Open, London 06 April 2017
Wikisource showcase/ transcribe-a-thon at Repository Fringe 2016 02 August 2016
Campus Ambassador training workshop (introductory) at EduWiki Conference 2014 31 October 2014
"Citation needed: Editing Wikipedia, a hands-on fringe event" at Open Educational Resources conference 2014 29 April 2014
Ada Lovelace Day: Women in Science editathon at Oxford University 15 October 2013
Coventry medical Wiki workshop 31 August 2012
Wiki Wildlife Bristol (2 workshops) 15 September 2011
Girl Geek Dinner 1, Bristol 11 August 2011
Medical Research Council Workshop, London 01 July 2011
Cancer Research UK Workshop 28 March 2011
Presentations to researchers, educators, and GLAM staff Capacity
"Wikimedia and Open Science" lunchtime talk for University of Leeds ReproducibiliTEA, delivered online 21 February 2024 Volunteer
"Strengths of Wikidata for Humanities Research" Keynote talk at University of York online event 21 June 2023 Consultant
"Exploring culture with Wikidata" talk and discussion with Masters students at UCL, hosted by Alice White 7 June 2022 Volunteer
"A global commons: turning research into educational material with Wikimedia", 1 hour session with Nick Sheppard for University of Leeds staff (Blog write-up by Nick Sheppard with additional details and links) (Youtube video) 21 April 2022 Volunteer
Panel contribution to webinar on Wikipedia and GLAMs, Harvard University 21 January 2021 Volunteer
"Wikimedia for mixing, sharing and visualising knowledge about books" 1-hour online talk for British Library staff 14 July 2020 Volunteer
"Using Wikidata to create and visualise pathways that join up collections within Oxford and beyond." (on YouTube) 10-minute presentation in Heritage Connector webinar hosted by the Science Museum 19 June 2020 Volunteer
"Using Wikidata to describe the structure of a book", webinar for the Linked Data For Production (LD4P) project (video), (slides on Google docs), (notes) 5 November 2019 Volunteer
"Wikidata as a Platform for Linked Open Data About Collections" 15-minute presentation at Museums+Tech 2019, "Openness" 18 October 2019 Oxford
"Adding to the global web of knowledge: Wikipedia, Wikidata and open platforms" Two-hour session at Berlin Summer School on Open Research 18 September 2019 Oxford
"Wikidata: Knowledge Representation the Easy Way" lecture at Digital Humanities Summer School (different lecture from the 2018 version, despite the same title) 24 July 2019 Oxford
"Linking Research Impact and Open Education": 1 hour keynote presentation at Maynooth University 24 May 2019 Oxford
"Getting data from Wikidata": half-hour presentation to PastNet hackathon, The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities 11 May 2019 Oxford
"The Convergence of Open: Open Access, Education, Data and Culture" (updated version of May 2018 lecture) (write-up by Juliet Ralph, Oxford Research Archive) 04 March 2019 Oxford
"Working in a World of Open Data", keynote presentation at What I Know Is 2, Stirling 28 September 2018 Volunteer
"Making the sausages before you eat them: educational assignments in the open" (keynote talk) / "Under the bonnet of Wikipedia" (1hr workshop) / "Wiki races" (short session) for Anglia Ruskin University 11 September 2018, repeated 12 September 2018 Consultant
"Wikipedia belongs in Education" - presentation for staff at Coventry University 16 July 2018, repeated 20 July 2018 Consultant
"Wikidata: Knowledge Representation the Easy Way" lecture at Digital Humanities Summer School 05 July 2018 Oxford
"The Convergence of Open: Open Access, Education, Data and Culture" Reproducibility and Open Research seminar, All Souls College, Oxford 02 May 2018 Oxford
"Wikidata, the Semantic Web and the Emerging Global Knowledge Base" 15-minute presentation at OER 18 18 April 2018 Economics Network (but reporting on work done at Oxford)
"Wikidata for researchers" 5 minute lightning talk at Workshop on collaborative research in Digital Humanities, Museums and Collections, and Publishing, University of Oxford 06 April 2018 Oxford
"Wikidata: Knowledge as a Service" 1-hour seminar at the Oxford e-Research Centre (OeRC) 28 February 2018 Oxford
"The Open Data Revolution" 20-minute presentation about Wikidata 08 November 2017 Economics Network
"Wikipedia, Wikimedia, and GLAMs", 2-hour seminar for staff in University of Reading museums 20 September 2017 Consultant
"Wikipedia's sister projects as platforms for Digital Humanities" masterclass at Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DXOxSS) 06 July 2017 Bodleian
Two-hour Workshop for staff in Oxford University's IT Services 31 May 2017 Bodleian
"Free knowledge about mental health for everyone", lunchtime talk at Department of Psychiatry 24 May 2017 Bodleian
Presentation to medical librarians at the Cairns Library, John Radcliffe Hospital 24 May 2017 Bodleian
"Working with the Open Culture movement", Session 5 (for library staff in the University of Oxford) 18 May 2017 Bodleian
"Integration of CDLI Wiki and Wikipedia: Wikipedia tools" Half-hour presentation at AssyrOnline workshop, Oxford 04 May 2017 Bodleian
(with Ewan McAndrew) "Citation Needed: Digital Provenance in the era of Post-Truth Politics" Lightning talk at OER17: The Politics of Open, London (Video at University of Edinburgh) 06 April 2017 Bodleian
"Putting Wikipedia and Open Practice into the mainstream in a University", 15-minute presentation at OER17: The Politics of Open, London (Slides on SlideShare) (Video at University of Edinburgh) 05 April 2017 Bodleian
"Embedding Wikipedia and Open Knowledge in Oxford University", 30-minute presentation for the Technology Enhanced Learning group, IT Services, University of Oxford 04 November 2016 Bodleian
"A New Look at Wikimedia, the World’s Largest OER" 1-hour webinar hosted by the Open Education Special Interest Group (OESIG) of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) (webinar recording) (Storify of Twitter reactions) bite-size videos 26 October 2016 Bodleian
"Human Civilization in a Subroutine" 90 minute talk at XML Summer School, Oxford 14 September 2016 Volunteer
"Open Science and the Opportunities for Engagement" 20 minute talk at National Heritage Science Forum, London 08 September 2016 Volunteer
"Your OERs will outlive you: Open Education in the long term" Opening Keynote at Repository Fringe 2016, University of Edinburgh (review by Hardy Scwamm of Lancaster University) 01 August 2016 Volunteer
"Open Education on Wikipedia's sister projects" 15-min session at the Open Educational Resources conference 2016, University of Edinburgh 20 April 2016 Volunteer
Introduction to Wikisource: 30-min session at the Open Educational Resources conference 2016, University of Edinburgh 20 April 2016 Volunteer
"Working with the Open Culture movement", Session 4 (for staff at the Voltaire Foundation) 25 February 2016 Bodleian
"History on Wikipedia" 20 minute presentation at HistoryLab seminar, Senate House, London (Storified reactions) 18 January 2016 Bodleian
"We are the world" 15 minute presentation at DIY Digitization conference held at the Bodleian Library, Oxford 08 January 2016 Bodleian
"How to Use Wikipedia" 20 minute presentation + questions, to University of Oxford social media group (around 50 staff) 25 November 2015 Bodleian
"Working with the Open Culture movement", Session 3 (for library staff), Oxford University 19 November 2015 Bodleian
"Some attempts to address bias on Wikipedia" Seminar for researchers and postgrads at the Oxford Internet Institute 21 October 2015 Bodleian
"Working with the Open Culture movement", Session 2 (for museum staff), Oxford University 02 July 2015 Bodleian
"Working with the Open Culture movement", Session 1 (for library staff), Oxford University 6 May 2015 Bodleian
"This Is Not An Exercise" at Cybersalon on "Edupunk 2.0, the future of Digital Education", London 28 October 2014 Volunteer
The Wikimedia Ecosystem- where do you fit in? at Open Educational Resources conference 2014 29 April 2014 Volunteer
"Wikipedia: a platform for learners as producers", Jisc Digital Festival 11 March 2014 Jisc
"Wikimedia: linking research impact and open education", Coventry University 03 March 2014 Jisc
"Wikimedia: linking research impact and open education", Bath Spa University 23 January 2014 Jisc
"Wikimedia: linking research impact and open education", University of Newcastle 02 December 2013 Jisc
"Wikimedia: linking research impact and open education", University of Sheffield 14 November 2013 Jisc
"Wikimedia: linking research impact and open education", EduWiki Conference, Cardiff 01 November 2013 Jisc
"Wikimedia: linking research impact and open education", Oxford University 15 October 2013 Jisc
“The Wikipedia Education Program: open educational practice on a global scale” at Open Educational Resources conference 2013 (video) 27 March 2013 Volunteer
Two workshops on “The future of Wikimedia and Higher Education” for “Changing the Learning Landscape” Strategy Implementation Programme course 21 February 2013 Volunteer
"Wikimedia and Higher Education" seminar at Beyond Distance Research Alliance, University of Leicester 18 June 2012 Volunteer
Presentation to PVCs and other senior staff at University of Hertfordshire (joint with Roger Bamkin), 25 April 2012 Volunteer
“Wikimedia: Elitism for the masses” seminar, IDeoGRAMs group, University of Leicester 29 February 2012 Volunteer
“Sausages and Scholarship: the role of openness in digital literacy” at ESRC Research Seminar on "Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights" 18 November 2011 Volunteer
“Wikimedia and public engagement for scientists” at meeting of the Biology Online Media Group 05 December 2011 Volunteer
“Common pitfalls in engaging with Wikipedia” at Bathcamp #26 "The Spirit of Openness", the University of Bath 05 October 2011 Volunteer
“Wikipedia and Higher Education: beat them or join them?” at Open Educational Resources conference 2011 11 May 2011 Volunteer
“How to avoid common pitfalls and interact with others” at Cancer Research UK Wikipedia event 31 January 2011 Volunteer
Presentations to Wikimedia conferences
"Introduction to Wikidata", 1.5 hour workshop at Wikimania 2022, Newspeak House, London 12 August 2022
"Exploring a cultural gap on Wikimedia: the case of the visual arts" (with Waqas Ahmed and Daria Cybulska), 20 min slot at Wikimania 2021 (online) 17 August 2021
"Exploring a cultural gap on Wikimedia: the case of the visual arts" (with Waqas Ahmed) Lightning talk at Wikimedia UK AGM 10 July 2021
"A Simple Introduction to Wikidata" at Wikimedia in Education UK Summit, Coventry University 26 February 2020
"Teaching SPARQL as a Foreign Language", WikidataCon 2019, Berlin 26 October 2019
Lightning talk at Wikimedia UK AGM, Bristol 13 July 2019
(with Liz McCarthy) "Wikimedians In Residence in a university setting", Wikimedia Education Summit, Middlesex University 20 February 2017
"Wikimedia and Research Projects" (YouTube) lightning talk at the 2016 Annual General Meeting 09 July 2016
"Jisc Wikimedia Ambassador" at EduWiki Conference 2014, using ideas from Part 2 of the final report 31 October 2014
"Top down: making a country's education system Wikimedia-compatible." at Wikimania 2014 08 August 2014
"Building formal relationships with institutions and governments" at Wikimania 2013 Education Pre-conference in Hong Kong 07 August 2013
"Three Prongs of Outreach" at WikiConference 2013 08 June 2013
"Psychology on Wikipedia: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" at WikiConference 2011 16 April 2011
Other presentations
"Bridging GLAM and wiki: the Khalili perspective": 1hr webinar for Deoband Community Wikimedia 22 February 2025
Short presentation as part of a panel at the Commonwealth Faith Festival 9 February 2024
"Lifelong Learning and Wikipedia": 45 minute session at the Polymath Festival 12 February 2021
"Knowledge belongs to all of us": 10 minute talk at "Bristol Our Data" event 18 February 2019
"Building a free, global knowledge base": talk at TEDx conference "Unity in Diversity" at University of Bath (Watch on YouTube) 24 March 2018
"Big, Little, and Vast Steps towards Open Education": 45 minute talk at Developments in Economics Education (DEE) Conference, London 07 September 2017
"Bias on Wikipedia": five minute talk at Oxford Geek Night number 44 27 January 2016
"How Wikipedia Works: the computer made of meat" at LonCon3 (World Science Fiction Convention in London) 17 August 2014
"How Wikipedia Works": invited talk at staff meeting of Bristol Airport 17 October 2012

My own site lists my other talks advocating free and open content and practice.

Training undertaken

Via Wikimedia UK
Workshop Provided by Date
Delivering training online (4 hour online course) Bhav Patel and Wikimedia UK staff 27 June and 1 July 2020
Training the Trainers refresher 2017 Wikimedia UK + consultants 16 July 2017
Train the Trainers refresher 2014 Midas Consulting 29 June 2014
Wikidata training User:Addshore 28 September 2013
Media training John Rockley 1 December 2012
Training for Trainers Midas Consulting 9-10 June 2012
Campus Ambassador training Alex Stinson 18 June 2011
Board Strategy day (training on working together as a team and on strategic planning) Midas Consulting 11 June 2011
Relevant training from elsewhere
Workshop Provided by Date
Communication skills (one-day workshop) VOX Coaching 15 July 2014
Planning and Evaluating Effective Practice e-Learning (one-day workshop) Jisc/ HE Academy 26 October 2005
Active learning (two half-day workshops) Trevor Habeshaw 5, 19 October 2000

Activity log

  • 25 October: Begin work as Wikimedian In Residence at the University of Oxford. See separate activity log and project page on Wikipedia.
  • 14 September: Gave 90 minute talk/demo on "Human Civilization in a Subroutine" at XML Summer School Oxford, focusing on Wikisource export tool, various Wikidata visualisation tools, and the Wikidata Query Service.
  • 8 September: Gave 20 minute talk and separate discussion session (billed as a panel discussion, but other speaker left so it was just me!) for National Heritage Science Forum event on Open Science
  • 1 September: Preparing slides for XML Summer School
  • 1-2 August: Attending Repository Fringe at the University of Edinburgh to give a keynote presentation and to help with the Wikisource training event. The keynote presentation spawned three videos (edited by Ewan McAndrew) Full presentation; The value of Histropedia; Question about libraries and Wikipedia;
  • 26 July: Interviewed for an hour by George Cooban of UCL for his dissertation on the relationships between Wikimedia and archives
  • 25 July: Preparing presentation for Repository Fringe
  • 19 July: Attended Course Leaders' Meeting at WMUK offices
  • 9 July: Attended 2016 AGM and gave a lightning talk about working with research projects in universities
  • July: Wrote book chapter "Bringing the Crowd into the Library" for book on DIY Digitization
  • 30 June: Worked on a briefing document for special collections librarians.
  • 14 June: Delivered UWE Wikipedia event
  • 9 June: Wrote up meeting with Prof Lock
  • 8 June: Visited Prof Gary Lock at University of Oxford to discuss the Atlas of Hillforts Project
  • June: rewrote project proposal for Oxford, after feedback from the Innovation Committee
  • 21 May: Attended Wikimedia UK Education meeting in Leicester
  • 14 May: Took part remotely in UK EU Wikipedia editathon
  • May: wrote project proposal for University of Oxford Wikimedian In Residence
  • 21 April: Stayed in Edinburgh for a two-and-a-half-hour meeting with Ewan McAndrew sharing tips for working as a Wikimedian within a university.
  • 19-20 April: Attended OER16 in Edinburgh, giving two presentations and taking part in "Ask a Wikimedian".
  • 17 April: Preparing presentation for conference.
  • 7 April: Took part remotely in Partnership Advisory Group meeting to discuss strategy
  • April: writing final report on Bodleian residency
  • 31 March: Official end of contract as Wikimedian In Residence at the Bodleian Libraries
  • 29 January: "Economics on Wikipedia", written for my job at the Economics Network, goes online.
  • 16 January: Interviewed by Sky News about Wikipedia's birthday.
  • 13 January: Interviewed by ITV regional news about Wikipedia's birthday.
  • 30 November: Writing and submitting session proposal to the Open Educational Resources conference (OER16)
  • 2 November: attend (most of, via Skype) a Board advisory group meeting
  • 31 October: take part in meeting with Midas Consulting about developing training modules, at the WMUK office
Present from Peter Murray Rust at end of the Science Conference. Photo by Andy Mabbett
  • 19 August: interviewed by Nature about the science conference
  • 31 July: nagging more contacts about the science conference: finishing blog post that will go online as Wikipedia and Science: a round-up
  • 16 July: attending Higher Education Academy focus group on Open Educational Resources hosted at the University of the West of England. Urged that academia learn from the success of Wikipedia in its promotion of open educational practices.
  • 29 June and ongoing: publicity blast for science conference: mailing to lots of contacts
  • 9 June: correspondence with the keynote speakers for the science conference
  • 30 May: adding conference programme to wiki; writing speaker guidance
  • 26 May: fixing booking form & further correspondence for science conference
  • 25 May: working on poster for science conference
  • 24 May: writing draft blog post for science conference
  • 16 May: correspondence related to science conference
  • 9 May: Day of correspondence and planning related to the Wikipedia Science Conference.
  • 22 April: Interviewed by Sky News about sockpuppets for video item about Grant Shapps' editing.
  • 1 April: Begin work as Wikimedian In Residence at the Bodleian Libraries. See separate activity log and project page for details.
  • Ongoing February/March: correspondence relating to Wikipedia Science Conference, including call for proposals.
  • 16 February: audio meeting with Karen Colbron of Jisc
  • 12 February: correspondence relating to Wikipedia Science Conference and Jisc/Spotlight on the Digital project
  • 11 February: correspondence relating to Wikipedia Science Conference and Jisc/Spotlight on the Digital project
Presenting at EduWiki in Edinburgh
  • 31 October: Attend EduWiki Conference 2014. Presented in plenary session on what I learned as a Jisc Wikimedian Ambassador. Helped Toni Sant deliver half-day workshop for potential campus ambassadors.
  • 28 October: Travel to London: speak at Cybersalon on "This Is Not An Exercise: Wikipedia belongs in education" (ten minute presentation, plus questions, plus panel appearance) (watch on YouTube)
  • 20 October: Finishing blog post for Open Access Week; goes online 4 days later as "Using Wikipedia to open up science"; Recommending individuals for science conference reception
  • 16 October: Working on blog post for Open Access Week
  • 14 October: Trip to London to visit Wellcome Trust for meeting about Wikipedia Science Conference, spending afternoon at WMUK offices.
  • 7 October: Skype meeting with Peter Findlay, talking about strategies for resource sharing, relevant to Peter's upcoming conference presentation and other projects.
  • 6 October: Arranging talk at EDUPUNK Cybersalon / Follow-up meeting with one of the attendees of the London campus ambassador training event.
  • 5 October: Creating page for NIMR event
  • 22 September: Some work related to EduWiki 2014
  • 19 September: Setting up NIMR event
  • 15-16 September: Writing first draft of article for The Conversation about Campus Ambassadors / more correspondence about science conference
  • 12 September: Attended Campus Ambassadors workshop in London. Followed up a few queries with personal emails.
  • 8 September: More correspondence related to the Wikipedia Science Conference
  • 29 August: Wrote proposal for a Wikimedia Science conference. Twitter discussion of the proposal continued late into the night. Some improvements to the Wikipedians in Residence page. Wrote report on World Science Fiction Convention.
  • 17 August: Gave 45-min talk/discussion "How Wikipedia Works: the computer made of meat" at LonCon3 in London.
  • 16 August: Preparing talk for LonCon3
  • 7-10 August: Attended Wikimania 2014, London. Prepared and delivered presentation "Top down: making a country's education system Wikimedia-compatible."
  • 17 July: Finished up write-up of OER14 (published on WMUK blog) and wrote session description for Loncon 3
  • 29 June: Took part in Train the Trainers refresher 2014
  • 13 June: Making four nominations for Wikimedian of the Year, in different categories.
  • 28-29 April: Attended Open Educational Resources conference (OER14) in Newcastle, with financial support from Wikimedia UK.
The Train the Trainers event in Cardiff
  • 25 April: Preparing slides and materials for Open Educational Resources conference.
  • 23 April Formal end of Jisc Wikimedia Ambassador role, but work continuing in a volunteer capacity
  • 30 March: wrote another session proposal for Wikimania 2014
  • 29 March: Writing session proposal for Wikimania 2014
  • 10 March: correspondence with local British Science Association contact about possibility of a local science-themed editathon.
  • 2 February: Took part as an observer in the second day of Training_the_Trainers/February_2014_event
Speaking at the Wikipedia Education Program Pre-Conference
  • 7-12 July: attended Wikimania 2013, Hong Kong. Gave a session on "Building formal relationships with institutions and goverments" as part of the Education Program workshop.
  • 28 July: One of eight attendees at Bristol Wikimeet, along with BRO contact
  • 25/26 July: took part remotely in NIMR Women in Science editathon
  • 25 July: Meeting at Bristol Records Office about possible backstage pass event/ editathon
  • 13 July: Improvements to Expert outreach index.
  • 8 June: Plenary talk on "Three Prongs of Outreach" at Wikiconference 2013, Lincoln Slides available on Commons Video on Youtube. Video forthcoming on Commons.
  • 28 May: Education Committee audio meeting
  • 16 April: Education Committee audio meeting
  • 11 April: meeting with Toni Sant in Bristol
  • 10 April: leading British Psychological Society workshop
  • 29 March: writing blog post about the OER 13 conference, which went online 4th April
  • 26-27 March: presenting and running a stall at Open Educational Resources conference 2013, Nottingham
  • 23 March: Attended open day, including jointly delivering the Education workshop with Toni Sant
  • 22 March: Visiting the office to take part in Toni Sant's induction
  • 11 March: Working on a post about education for the Wikimedia UK blog, published as Learning and Teaching in the age of Wikipedia
  • 4 March: Writing a short piece for The Psychologist magazine about British Psychological Society outreach.
  • 27 February: Writing a post about open access to research for the Wikimedia UK blog, later published as Researchers: are you Wikipedia-compatible?
  • 22 February: Spent day at the office to be on the interview panel for Education Officer.
  • 21 February: Delivered a one-hour presentation/workshop, twice, about "The future of Wikimedia and Higher Education" at Changing the Learning Landscape Strategy Implementation Programme event, Bristol. Slides available on Commons
  • 18 February: Preparing for forthcoming workshop
  • 30 January: Education Committee audioconference
  • 28 January: Created an outline of a Campus Ambassador training workshop and worked on Training strategy
  • January: heard through Twitter about a conference session where medical practitioners' use of Wikipedia was discussed. Tracked down the email of the session chair and, through her, got in touch with the presenter. Drew attention to our existing blog posts about this topic and asked if she had any findings to share. It turned out the question about Wikipedia was just one element in a broader survey about social media, and the findings weren't particularly surprising, so left it there.
  • 4 December: Delivered 2 "Knowledge cafe" sessions on behalf of Wikimedia UK at the NIACE/ BBC Digital Learning Conference, Salford
  • 1 December: Attended media training event at the WMUK office.
  • 17/18 November: Attended both days of the Board meeting in London.
  • 24 October: Took part in Digital Disruption Summit in London to talk about Wikimedia's role in promoting digital literacy.
  • 19 October: Took part in Ada Lovelace Day editathon remotely
  • 19 October: Guest post for Wikimedia UK blog goes online: Bringing evidence-based medicine to the world
  • 17 October: spoke at a staff meeting at Bristol Airport, describing Wikimedia and its mission. I thanked them for supporting Bristol's (ultimately unsuccessful) Wikimania bid. I explained that Wikimedia can't be used for advocacy, but they were already well aware of this. They told me that the Bristol Airport page in Wikipedia was "largely accurate" and they didn't have any problems with it. I said they could help Wikimedia's mission by uploading photos, and that releasing them under a Creative Commons licence so that they could be seen by lots of people usually made more sense than keeping total control. They seemed receptive to the idea, and I hope to keep in touch. Feedback from the meeting organiser: "we really enjoyed having an external speaker and it was really good for us to learn so much. Personally I didn’t know quite how Wiki worked before Wednesday."
  • 8 October: led JISC DI team training workshop in London
  • 21 September: working on a guest post for a LSE blog, published on 5 October as Writing for Wikipedia has forced me into good scholarly habits and accessible writing
  • 20 September: interview about Wikipedia in education published in Times Higher Education. Writing a post-conference email for EduWiki
  • 14 September: wrote a Wikimedia blog post reflecting on EduWiki
  • 8 September: Board strategy/planning meeting in Coventry
  • 5-6 September: Chairing and speaking at the EduWiki Conference 2012 in Leicester
  • 4 September: meeting with NIACE in Leicester about Wikimedia in adult and community education
  • 31 August: Helping out at Coventry medical Wiki workshop
  • 17 August: visit to WMUK office for education brochure mailout
  • 22 June-5 September: various publicity for EduWiki conference
  • 20 June: Phone meeting with WMUK staff about education outreach.
  • 18 June: Spoke at Research in Learning Innovation seminar on "Wikimedia and Higher Education" at Beyond Distance Research Alliance, University of Leicester. (Storify)
  • 12 June: Wrote up Wikimedia for schools workshop
  • 11 June: Phone meeting with consultant about trainer accreditation
  • 11 June: Met with someone from JISC Digital Media to discuss the Digipedia project and what lessons can be learned from Wikipedia about encouraging community contributions.
  • 9-10 June: Took part in the Train the Trainers event.
  • 12 May: Attended Wikiconference 2012 and AGM. Left board.
  • 5-6 May: Emailing lots of education contacts about the conference and new mailing list
  • 4 May: Audioconference with Jon and Harry about Train-the-trainers
  • 28/29 April: more planning and writing for education outreach: Draft education strategy put online
  • 25 April: joint presentation with Roger Bamkin to senior staff at University of Hertfordshire
  • 24 April: spoke to a small group of early-career scientists at the University of Bristol about Wikipedia for outreach
  • 23 April: Long-term planning. Various emails and education stuff write-up, incl. /Education staff proposal
  • 21-22 April: Board meeting in Monmouth
  • 14 April: working on Annual Report and other Board matters; writing blog post about doctors' use of Wikipedia; first go at blog post about Academic Spring.
  • 10 April: writing up education strategy; education section of Annual Report
  • 9 April: Bristol Open Geodata Consortium is now a thing. Email about Trainer Training event.
  • 27 March: Board meeting (audioconference)
  • 17 March: Stall at Association of Humanist Students National Convention, London
  • 5 March: Delivered a solo half-day workshop to 12 staff at Science Learning Centre South West
  • 29 February: Presented at IDeoGRAMS seminar, University of Leicester, on "Wikipedia: Elitism for the Masses"
  • 11 and 12 February: Board meeting, London
  • 10 February: Working on education strategy
  • 9 February: Meeting a software developer in Bristol about geodata, along with SV.
  • 4 February: further work on Trainer training
  • 2 February: Organising Geological Society workshop for March.
  • Investigating possibility of involvement in Bath Digital Festival, late March.
  • 27 January: Training session for Oxford graduate students for the Free Speech Debate project, improving Wikipedia's Freedom of speech article in 13 languages
  • 26 January: Board audioconference
  • 24 January: Board audioconference
  • 22 January: campus ambassador meeting, Imperial College
  • 19 January: trip to Oxford to meet Free Speech project participants
  • 18 January: interviewed by BBC Radio Wales in the early morning, about enwiki blackout
  • 15 January: Delivering training at Bristol Girl Geeks Wikipedia event
  • 4-11 January: creating more pages about training: Trainer training, For trainers, Basic Commons training, Improving Wikipedia training, Training preparation email, Evaluation of training, draft observation form, Training, Student societies
  • 3 January: Starting to wikify training documents: Basic Wikipedia training. Evening: Board meeting
  • 2 January: Day catching up on email + phone meeting with Fae.
  • 5 December: Speaking at Social Media Lunch for scholarly societies, hosted by the Institute of Physics in London (15 min talk followed by discussion) Slides: "Wikimedia and public engagement for scientists"
  • 1 December: Meeting with British Psychological Society/ History of Psychology Archive/ Wellcome Library in Manchester
  • 19/20 November: Board away weekend
  • 18 November: speaking at ESRC Research Seminar on "Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights", Leicester University (15 min. talk followed by discussion). Dinner in London in the evening. /Sausages and Scholarship (slides and summary)
  • 16 November: Finishing up researcher brochure draft and sharing on-wiki
  • 13 November: More work on researcher brochure
  • 12 November: Writing up outline proposal for a geodata project focused on Bristol
  • 7 November: afternoon in Bristol with Jon Davies and Steve Virgin; internal discussions and meetings with local partners
  • 5-6 November: working on brochure for researchers
  • 4 November: one-hour meeting with a researcher for a University of Bristol/ University of Cardiff project on crowdsourcing. Explained how Wikimedia projects can benefit arts and humanities researchers
  • 3 November: 25 minute interview on BBC Radio Bristol and BBC Radio Somerset on Wikimedia and other topics
  • 16 October: Attending EGM_2011 in London
  • 11 October: Board meeting
  • 11 October: Project wrap-up meetings with ARKive and University of Bristol
  • 5 October: Speaking on "Common pitfalls in engaging with Wikipedia" (slides) at Bathcamp, the Innovation Centre, Bath Storify of tweets from the session
  • 29 September: Meeting At-Bristol staff (with SV)
  • 15 September: Wiki Wildlife Bristol
  • 12 September: Board audioconference re CE recruitment and Charity application
  • 11 September: London Wikimeet and meeting Chief Executive candidates
  • 8 September: Meeting with ARKive about Wiki Wildlife Bristol
  • 1 September: Institute of Physics Workshop
  • 27-28 August: Board meeting
  • 18 August: Wikimedia Girl Geek Dinner
  • 3 August: another round of edits to Physics World article
  • 2 August: meeting ARKive about collaboration project, then lunchtime meeting about media opportunities
  • 1 August: meeting Centre for Public Engagement at University of Bristol
  • 25 July: Board meeting
  • 20 July: Meeting with contact from Arts & Humanities Research Council
  • 19 July: edits to press release about Bristol placements
  • Weekly from 19 July: Meetings with Sam Knight (University of Bristol Outreach Ambassador)
  • 17 July: Finishing & submitting first draft of Physics World article
  • 15 July: First attempt at feature article for Physics World
  • 7-10 July: attending Wikipedia in Higher Education Summit
  • 4 July: Bristol Wiki Academy 2
  • 3 July: Filing expenses for self and others, adding blog post to blog, preparing for workshop tomorrow.
  • 1 July: Medical Research Council Workshop in London and subsequent write-up
  • 28 June: Preparing for MRC Workshop + Meeting with Pigsonthewing and ARKive
  • 25 June: Writing blog post about Wikipedia and librarianship
  • 23 June: Preparing press release for Medical Research Council Workshop
  • 23 June: Preparing 2 slides for pre-sessional Bristol students on use & evaluation of Wikipedia
  • 22 June: Interviews for University of Bristol Outreach Ambassador
  • 21 June: Presented at meeting of Subject Librarians at the University of Bristol
  • 18 June: Attended Campus Ambassador training at Imperial College, London
  • 15 June: With Steve Virgin, met with teachers in a local school
  • 11/12 June: Board strategy day (Saturday), meeting and Birmingham Wikimeet (Sunday)
  • 8 June: Got University of Bristol to put up news item about Ambassador post.
  • 6 June: Phone meeting with BPS contact
  • 3 June: Worked with Phil Barker of JISC CETIS to create "Wikimedia Commons for UKOER resources", a guide for projects releasing open educational resources in UK Higher Education
  • 2 June: WMUK Blog post, Six unorthodox ways to use Wikipedia
  • 2 June: Meeting with SETSquared
  • 2 June: Phone meeting about BOB lectures
  • Contributed to Reports/2011/May
  • 19 May: With Steve Virgin, met with University of Bristol partner to design Wikimedia Outreach Ambassador post.
  • 11 May: Presented at the Open Educational Resources conference#2011 on "Wikipedia and Higher Education: Beat them or Join them?" (slides PDF)
  • 9 May: Audioconference with Institute of Physics
  • 30 April: Online meeting about Ambassador programme
  • 29 April: Online meeting about application for charitable status
  • 28 April: With Steve Virgin, met with a potential partner organisation to write and present a Memorandum of Understanding
  • 20 April: Met with Watershed Media Centre about content sharing
  • 19 April: Interviewed by TheNextWeb, published the next day as "Wikimedia UK to Hire Full-Time Staff, Aims to Increase Content Quality on Wikipedia"
  • 16 April: Presented on /Psychology on Wikipedia 2011 at Annual Conference 2011. Joined board.
  • 5 April: Presented at plenary session of Scottish Economics Society on "Bringing remix culture to Economics." Made positive mentions of Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and the Wikimedia community.
  • March: Designed promotional image for Annual Conference 2011.
  • 31 March: Interviewed by The Times about Cancer Research UK Workshop. Published on 4 April on page 14.
  • 28 March: One of the Wikipedia guides at Cancer Research UK Workshop
  • 19 March: Co-hosted and co-organised Bristol Wiki Academy 1 at the University of Bristol. Five minute interview in the morning for BBC Radio Bristol
  • 14 March: Met with a manager of an image archive to discuss possible content partnership
  • 23 February: Attended Digital Humanities workshop at University of Bristol to meet archivists.
  • 31 January: Brief presentation at Cancer Research UK Workshop
  • Other meetings with local partners, in conjunction with Steve V.
