Reports 7Dec13
Below are the Board, Staff and Committee action statuses and reports to the Board Meeting on 7 December 2013; see Agenda 7Dec13.
Reports placed on this page will be provided to the WMUK trustees in advance of the meeting both/either digitally (via links to this page) and/or by paper (when requested by a trustee). The opportunity for other trustees to ask questions about these reports will be provided during the meeting. Anything that needs to be discussed, or needs a decision or resolution, should be included in the main agenda rather than being included on this page.
Please do not alter the 'outstanding actions' section except to update the current status of those. If you add or record any actions upon yourself that have not been raised in past meetings, then please add them under 'other actions'.
Templates for actions: {{done}} Done, {{cf}}
Carried forward, {{canc}}
Please ask questions on the talk page.
All reports are public other than those relating to confidential or sensitive matters. Such reports are held on the confidential Office Wiki.
Chief Executive reports
- CEO report
- Traffic light summary (confidential)
- 2013-14 quarterly planning grid
- Risk register (confidential)
Governance and Finance
- Protecting the charity against entryism (MM and AM)
- Secretary's report (confidential)
- Governance Committee report
- 2013 Q3 QFMR (confidential)
Budgets and forward planning
- Planning for the next five years – background (confidential)
- Planning for the next five years – draft (confidential)
- Planning for the next five years - metrics proposal (confidential)
- 2014-15 budget report and proposal (confidential)
- Draft board schedule for 2014 onwards
Staff and Project Reports
- Volunteer Support Organiser report
- Programme Manager report
- Education Organiser report
- Fundraiser report
- GLAM Organiser report
- Wikimania intern report
- Living Paths! Report (confidential)
- Communications Organiser report (confidential) - redacted version (20 Jan)
- Grants report
- Office Manager report (confidential)
- 2013 Membership Report
Technology Committee
Drafted by Daria Cybulska, 22 November 2013
Since the last board meeting in September, the Education Committee has met twice. The minutes of these meetings can be seen at: here (September) and here (November). The group has been active in discussing education projects developed by members of the committee and providing feedback. This report includes a summary of key points discussed.
- EduWiki Conference 2013
EduWiki_Conference_2013 - we have supported Toni's work by providing feedback on e.g. talk submissions. Those who attended from the committee will now provide feedback on the conference.
- Virtual Learning Environment
Charles has provided a draft 12-month report to the board which can be seen here. There are points flagged up there for the board to consider.