Reports 11Jun11
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Below are the Board reports to the Board Meeting on 11-12 June 2011; see Agenda 11June11.
Templates for actions: Done,
Carried forward,
Template to mark something as needing discussion: Discuss
Roger Bamkin (Chair)
- Done recently
- Sorted out a lead person for National Railway Museum and several assists
- Re-launched Wright Challenge which is over achieving. 500 articles.
- Organised Birmingham Board meeting
- Found lead for matching Birmingham wiki meet
- Attended UGC4GLAM meeting in Vienna
- Obtained help for Wikinews / Olympics coverage
- Actions
- Close out GLAMDerby - publicise Wright Challenge - help?
- Organise face to face Board meeting in Birmingham
- Attend meeting in Vienna on behalf of WMF Glam May 16-17
- RB to talk to the Foundation about the fundraiser
- RB to talk to CK about the resource requirement for the fundraising.
- RB to approach Steve Virgin regarding him leading an EDU-WIKI conference later this year. To be discussed at the next telephone full board meeting.
- RB to talk to Martin Poulter regarding the Campus Ambassadors program to determine how well it will succeed in the future.
- RB to recommend to Fæ that the facilitator aims to produce a more structured meeting with clear deliverables from the day.
Done also talk to facilitator
- RB to find out location and time of the Birmingham wikimeet.
Doing... MP to help advertise the wikimeet.
Mike Peel (Secretary)
- Done recently
- New board members now bureaucrats on the WMUK wiki. Tango has been de-bureaucrated (as per request at meta:Steward_requests/Permissions#Removal_of_access [1])
- Requested access to ComCom for MLP and CK - both of whom are now subscribed (thanks to Moka).
- OTRS access updated so that the new board members have access (thanks to Casey).
- 20 'Welcome to Wikipedia' leaflets sent to the British Library
- Following a request to use the Wikipedia trademark in an Animal Planet TV show (originally sent to WMUK; passed on to the Foundation)
- Virtually attended the Wikimedia Foundation's Metrics and Activities meeting on 5 May
- Will be on a panel at the 'Investigating Academic Impact' conference at the London School of Economics on 13 June. "Panel 3: Innovative Approaches to Impact and Engagement", talking about Wikipedia. See [2] for more details.
- Set up for Rock drum's GLAMcamp NYC mashup
- Responded to Lodewijk's request for the 'top 3 coolest projects'
- Joomla and CiviCRM updated to the latest versions - tidying still in progress...
- Stood down as a Wikimedia cultural-partners mailing list admin
- Spoke to freelance journalist about PR companies editing Wikipedia articles (7 June)
- None
- Tasks to do
- Closing off Britain Loves Wikipedia
- Sort through / close off old email addresses
- Working on Reports/2011/May
- Prepare blog post on POTY competition, to be put out once winner has been announced
- Update blog to use Vector skin [3]; specify license (the standard CC-BY-SA?)
- Things to keep track of
Transfer of €4k to WMDE for sponsorship of the chapters meeting- transfer complete; now awaiting receipt.Transfer of £293k to WMF as a grant towards their general operating fundsReturning of new Wikipedia banner from Trevor to Steve/Martin- returned to Martin- Possibility of a Wiki session at Science Online London 2011 - suggested by CRUK
- Recent media coverage of Wikipedia in the UK
- Injunctions + info in the history of Wikipedia articles - enquiry from the Telegraph responded to by David Gerard. Covered by the Telegraph - then picked up by TNT Magazine, Tech Digest, Daily Mail,, metro, and even Perth Now.
- Also BBC article featuring interview with Jimmy Wales (with a correction requested by Gem, and made by BBC).
- Defamation on Wikipedia: Guardian article
- Actions
- MP to set up access to blog for board members, and admins on facebook.
- MP to offer OTRS access to specific known and trusted volunteers
- MP to put together how-to pages for managing the budgets, authorising expenditure and requesting reimbursement
Done see [4]
- RB to find out location and time of the Birmingham wikimeet. MP to help advertise the wikimeet.
Andrew Turvey (Treasurer)
- Activities to report
- Discussion / review items
- Actions
- AT to contact Charity Commission requesting a meeting (top priority)
- AT to arrange internet banking for MP, RB and AT
- All to produce a short profile for the website and to put together a summary of what they 'bring to the party'.
Carried forward
- AT to complete and send charity reply to lawyers
Carried forward
- AT to send a memento of our gratitude to the teller, outgoing board members, and speakers (excluding new board members), from WikiConference UK 2011
- AT to email around details of the interested candidate to be an office manager, and to also draft a blog post to advertise the position
Carried forward
- AT to add RB as signatory and remove TD
Carried forward
- AT - Staff roadshow
Carried forward
- AT to investigate how we can move to multiple signatories for large transactions.
- AT to investigate debit cards for bank account signatories.
- TD to give AT the password for the main paypal account. AT to give all board members read-only access to the paypal account.
Carried forward
- AT to investigate term deposits and return to the board with options.
Carried forward
- AT - Sign NMM MoU (Monday)
--> transferred to MP & CK
- AT - In camera minutes of 2 February 2011
Carried forward
- AT - written legal advice onto wiki
Carried forward
- AT to circulate results from WikiConference survey once complete
- AT to work on the overdue fundraising reports
- AT to contact lawyers regarding how a cap on growth in the fundraising agreement with the WMF affects our independence.
- AT to prepare a new budget reflecting the costs of the new profile of staff recruitment
- AT to phone the co-op regarding the bank transfer of the WMF grant
- AT to discuss financial regulations with the co-op bank, particularly with regards the transfer of signatories after the AGM.
- AT to investigate alternative banks, with a recommendation to be made at the in-person board meeting
- AT to talk to Chris Keating with regards advertising the availability of sponsorship for Wikimedia
- AT (or CK) to contact the WMF to see whether they have any recommendations for international Wikimedians to sponsor
- AT to request a quote for insurance for board members against the risk of personal liability and negligence.
- AT to follow up outstanding payment of previous office manager with payroll.
Chris Keating (Director)
- Report
- Internal Comms;
- CiviCRM's email capabilities are up and running
- 4 blog posts in May and one in June so far (thanks Ashley, Roger and Martin) - will continue to request these of people / write them / etc
- Tweeting is going well, am pleased by our growth in Twitter followers (595 at time of writing - up from 411 in mid-March).
- Revision of WMUK homepage - done
- Fundraiser;
- Sent followup/thanks email to 2011 donors
Done - with many thanks to Mike Peel
- Started to build relationships with Foundation fundraising staff
- Handover from Seddon
- Am giving some thought to our future fundraising strategy i.e. what can we do as well as the Wikimedia fundraiser. Can produce a paper on this over the summer - if it will be of any help.
- Starting conversation with WP:CONTRIB about a more systematic way of thinking about donors -> editors.
- Publications and resources
- On the agenda for July
- NMM - still waiting for them to sign off MOU.
- Actions
- AT to send around detailed information about the facilitation for the strategy discussion; decision to be made by email. Fæ to look into background, and to pin down specific outcomes (with SV). CK has contacts in this sector; will ask for a competitive quote. Fæ to take the lead with this topic.
- All to produce a short profile for the website. Also to put together a summary of what they 'bring to the party'.
Martin Poulter (Director)
- Recent activity
- Fixed dates and volunteer rosters for Institute of Physics Workshop (1st September) and Medical Research Council Workshop (1st July)
- Initiated contact with the British Psychological Society: in-person meeting coming soon
- Presented at OER 2011 on "Wikimedia and Higher Education: Beat them or Join them?"
- Wrote description of Commons as a platform for Open Educational Resources for JISC CETIS site
- Wrote and publicised one blog post
- With Steve, wrote Memorandum of Understanding for ARKive post and agreed it with ARKive
- With Steve and University of Bristol contact, agreed description of Wikimedia Ambassador role
- Online meetings about Campus Ambassador programme
- Coming soon
- Campus Ambassador training event in London
- Talk to Bristol University subject librarians
- Being interviewed by a local free magazine
- Run the MRC workshop
- Recruiting and inducting UoB and ARKive Ambassadors
- Attending Wikimedia in Higher Education summit
- Presenting with Steve to BBC media librarians (date TBC)
- Actions
- Investigate whether we could arrange a "pro-forma" adult education course for September on "Making your Wikipedia page" and how we might publicise - not done beyond exploratory emails: have raised the issue of our engagement with education sectors on the membership list.
- MLP to talk to Alex about what's been achieved so far, what can be achieved before he leaves, his involvement afterwards and how WM-UK might help further; and will report back to the board on this.
- Follow up Institute of Physics contacts re: article and educational projects
- Follow up on research council contacts
- Follow up on business cards
Fæ (Director)
- Report
- Actions
- AT to send around detailed information about the facilitation for the strategy discussion; decision to be made by email. Fæ to look into background, and to pin down specific outcomes (with SV). CK has contacts in this sector; will ask for a competitive quote. Fæ to take the lead with this topic.
- All to produce a short profile for the website. Also to put together a summary of what they 'bring to the party'.
- Fæ to send consent to act to AT.
Steve Virgin (Director)
- Report
- University of Bristol Wikimedia Outreach Ambassador - now reviewing seven CV's moving towards selection
- ARKIVE - Waiting for 15 June meeting of ARKIVE Board for final sign off - then need to recruit
- Technology Strategy Board - discussion - will lead to more meeting in July (very encouraging)
- Agreement in principle from Food Standards Agency to 'discuss' and 'organise' on site training
- Meeting 15 June - Meeting Bristol Cathedral Choir School to discuss collaboration
- Talk NUJ Bristol - agreed - no date yet
- 21 July & 26 July - Business West 'What is your Wikipedia Business Strategy' - at Cheltenham Racecourse & Gloucestershire Cricket Club
- 8 Sept TEDX Bristol Talk - with Roger Banmkin (more details need to be understood but speaking slot agreed)
- Actions
- Priority - managing the ARKIVE/University of Bristol processes
- Coordinating the meeting with RB (technology strategy board)
- Setting up meeting Food Standards Agency
- Follow up Olympic Games initiative