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A few opportunities are coming up for members who may be willing to speak on behalf of the chapter in lunchtime meetings, conferences etc or as interviewees. The chapter will sometimes, but not always, be able to pay for travel and subsistence expenses.
This is a great way of helping the chapter spread the word about the things we do and it also gives you good exposure in public speaking and raises your profile among media circles.
If you are interested in volunteering for this, please could you enter the following details below:
- what experience you have in public speaking, if any
- what experience you have with Wikimedia projects, including any roles such as administrator
- what is your availability (location/times)
- what kind of events you would like to help with
- how you would like to be contacted
If you prefer to keep these details confidential please email them to me at secretarywikimedia.org.uk and they will be placed on the office private wiki at http://office.wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Speakers
Andrew Turvey
I have given various talks, interviews and presentations over the years ranging from:
- a recent interview talking about the use of Wikipedia in schools
- a main channel TV panel discussion
- conference talks to up to 100 people
- short speeches in conference sessions with up to 5,000 people attending
- presentations at work to a room of 10-20 people
My experience with Wikimedia is predominantly as a Wikipedia editor, mainly creating content including roughly 200 articles on my particular topics of interest. I have been the secretary of Wikimedia UK since October 2008.
I am generally available throughout England on weekends and in the East Midlands during weekday evenings. I may be available during work days depending on my other commitments.
I would be interested in helping out with the full range of interviews, presentations, room discussions and conference speeches.
Please contact me by email.
Mike Peel
- I've given academic talks at my university, other universities and at conferences. I've also interacted with the press, and given a radio interview.
- See en:User:Mike Peel for my activities on-wiki. I'm an admin on the English Wikipedia, and I've been involved with Wikimedia UK since October 2008 (first as Membership Secretary, then as Chair)
- I'm based in Manchester, but can travel. My preference is for weekends and evenings, but I can be available during the day as necessary (my work is very flexible).
- I'm happy to do any type of event that fits in with my knowledge - Wikipedia/Wikimedia-specific things (rather than generalizations), or science-orientated things.
- I can be contacted by phone (number available off-wiki), email (michael.peel
wikimedia.org.uk), skype (text only as standard; username mike_peel), or irc (irc.freenode.net, nick mpeel)
David Gerard
- experience in public speaking: Not a lot, actually. When I do get in front of a microphone my problem is mostly staying on track and not rambling. I expect notes will help with this. (note: has done radio interviews for WMF in the past)
- on Wikimedia projects: Lots, since 2004 - admin, arbitration, functionary on en:wp; volunteer for Foundation stuff, particularly media
- Availability: London. At present I'm unemployed, when I'm not it'll be evenings.
- Can do anything I can help represent WP, WMF or WMUK (or, as is more likely, perceived as all of these at once)
- contact by email - the very best way or phone 07733 223 584 - mostly goes to message. I do check my messages :-)
Steve Virgin
- I speak in public for Dow Jones on many issues in the media analysis and evaluation space - this recently included in mid February as Chair of the 2nd Annual Dow Jones Social Media Conference in Stockholm and in Amsterdam in early April, on the same topic
- I speak as an 'Expert' on other areas to small groups of clients and potential clients under the Dow Jones Expert Series
- Availability: Open - but will need notice as I work for Dow Jones and that has to take priority under agreement with my employer
- Topics - Can do anything as long as there is time to research the area on which I have to speak
- contact by email - or by contacting me via my Board role
Cormac Lawler
I've given talks at various conferences and seminars, on the subject of wikis and education, including:
- Wikimania 05, 06, 07, 08
- OpenLearn 07
- ALT 07
- Wikimedia Conference Netherlands 07
- Other smaller ed-tech seminars
Participated in many more, including Hewlett Foundation 2007 OER Grantees meeting
I'm an initiator of Wikiversity (where I'm a bureaucrat) - this has been the focus of the majority of my talks, interviews etc.
I've had some other WMF organisational experience, including on the m:Special Projects Committee
Quite busy until October 09, unclear thereafter. Based in Manchester - willing to travel. Happy to help out in any kind of event - preferably education focused.
Contact by email.
Tom Holden
I've given a few academic papers to (admittedly fairly small) audiences over the years. I'm happy to help out whenever better-qualified others are not available for some reason.
Based in Oxford the majority of the time. London is certainly very easy for me to get to though.
Zeyi He
- I have speaked a lot in public for two media companies I worked for in on many issues in the market analysis and content evaluation space. I had to give a speech monthly on the market and audiences issue from 2003-2005.
- I speak as an 'researcher' on Wikipedia areas On many academic conferences and seminars.
- Availability: flexible and able to travel around UK.
- Topics - Can do introduction of Wikipedia and relevant projects, as they are my study objectives. also can do an academic speech on Wiki and Open source or Open content projects.
- contact by email - or by contacting me via my Board role
James Humphreys
- Speaking Experience: Not a lot, although I've given several medical presentations at university and some presentation work for my UAS and AstroSoc.
- Wiki Experience: I've been active on en-Wiki since 2005, run WikiProject:Human spaceflight, and am a proud mop-and-bucket wielder.
- Availability: The Shropshire and Staffordshire areas, mostly during academic vacations and some weekends & Friday afternoons.
- Type of Events: Any where I can be of some use!
- Contact: By e-mail or my talk page.
Sean Whitton
- Speaking experience: various debating and public speaking-type competitions. Have won a few times too, so can't be too bad.
- Wikimedia experience: quite a bit. Admin on enwiki, meta (and the WMF wiki). Mediator emeritus on enwiki. OTRS (info and press queues). IRC Group Contact chair. Communications work with WMF. From the latter I have become fairly good at getting Wikimedia's core ideals across and explaining the basics.
- Availability: ask me, but mostly available and live in Sheffield (aside from when I go down to university in Oxford October - December though I'll then be available in a different part of the country I guess). Willing to travel but am a poor student so only if I can get minimal expenses really.
- I enjoy giving talks and explaining Wikimedia to people as I'm never short of enthusiasm for the projects. Can probably do most things though.
- E-mail probably best.
Martin Poulter
- Public speaking experience includes two Ignite talks (see) and public lectures hosted by Humanist and Skeptical groups in Bristol, London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Leicester, Bath and Glasgow. Media experience includes several TV and newspaper appearances, in connection with anti-cult activism as well as Wikimedia.
- First degree Psychology and Philosophy at the University of Oxford. PhD in Philosophy from the University of Bristol
- Wikimedia experience: more than 6000 edits on English Wikipedia, mainly in the area of Psychology; wrote one Featured Article (wikipedia:Confirmation bias) with hopefully more to come.
- Two day jobs: one in The Economics Network, a national academic support project. Have used work-related events such as technical away days and IWMW 2010 (barcamp session) to enthuse about Wikimedia. See Voluntary work for an obscure educational charity, guest post on the Intute blog, 2 December 2009. Intute is a publicly-funded web portal for academic research, teaching and learning. Other job is for the ALSPAC, a major health research project.
- Topics: I enthuse! Keen to alert others, most of all universities, to the potential of working with us. I also deliver training in Wikipedia editing and culture.
- Based in Bristol. Work part-time so can often free up a weekday at reasonably short notice.
- Contact by email: infobomb
Roger Bamkin
I am an enwp admin based in Derby. I'm a trained teacher and I have given professional talks in the U.S. and in Europe to groups > 100 people. My most relevant talk was at the GLAM-WIKI conference where I spoke on the collaboration with the British Museum and issues arising from it in Nov 2010. I have a flexible schedule. email Victuallersgmail.com
Ashley Van Haeften
- Background as a manager and director, comfortable at board meetings and public presentations.
- Admin on Wikipedia, in the top 400 editors by contributions worldwide, and experienced with Commons issues and OTRS.
- UK budget holder for GLAM and trustee of the WM-UK Chapter, now a registered charity.
- In 2011 managing our relationships with the British Museum, British Library, Victoria and Albert museum and generally coordinating our GLAM network as well as delivering workshops and presentations for events (such as the British Library editathon).
- Helping to drive the UK's governance improvements meeting the Charity Commission guidance and the adoption of PQASSO as an assessment method.
- Interested in the current planned changes in UK copyright and the potential impact of the Hargreaves review.
- Contact faenwp