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These minutes were approved at the Board meeting on 15 September 2009.

Wikimedia UK Board meeting Tuesday 1st September 2009, 8:30pm BST at #wikimedia-uk-board

Present: Michael Peel (MP) (Chair); Andrew Turvey (AT) (minutes); Zeyi He (ZH); Joseph Seddon (JS) (part); Paul Williams (PW); Tom Holden (TH)

Apologies: Steve Virgin (SV); JS for early departure

Comment Note: Please mark your actions with one of the following:

* {{done}} if you have completed what was agreed
* {{doing}} if you have started doing what was agreed but haven't finished
* {{cf}} if you have not yet done what was agreed but will do in the future
* {{canc}} if you have not done what was agreed and will not now do it

In addition please mark {{discuss}} if the board needs to discuss the action and add it to the agenda of the next meeting.

Minutes of previous meetings

The minutes of the meeting dated 18 August was approved.

The following actions were carried forward:

1. AT will look into where we could produce branded merchandise. Symbol wait.svg Doing...

2. MP to draft templates for the six press scenarios identified at Media relations#Media response. Symbol wait.svg Doing... Frequently Asked Questions

3. MP to work with SV to do mini press releases, no more than one per month, advertising spikes in traffic per WP:POPULAR related to particular news events. Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

4. JS to get a copy of the WMF's press release contact list in the UK. X mark.svg Cancelled

5. PW will develop a proposal for buying a computer for the Schools Project with, potentially, peripherals such as a projector, screen, printer etc. Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

6. JS to draft an email for the Open Knowledge Foundation mailing list, to recruit new members. Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

7. AT to arrange printing of the business cards Symbol wait.svg Doing...

8. MP to investigate moving our wiki at to subject to technical feasibility re Single User Logins and hosting, with as a potential alternative. Bug Report. Once this has been completed, MP to follow up with Wikimedia Ukraine regarding the "uk." website conflict. Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

9. AT agreed to investigate getting paid legal advice on charitable status, using the Foundation's offer to fund. Symbol wait.svg Doing...

10. TH will inform member #29 of their acceptance and update the Register of Members accordingly. Yes check.svg Done and Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

11. SV will chase Steve Bowbrick to get an update on how his meeting with some senior BBC managers to discuss collaboration went. Yes check.svg Done Dialog ballons icon.svg Discuss

12. JS agreed to follow up with his contacts at the BBC Digital Revolution and click and get them in touch with the Workplace Learning Lunches. Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

13. JS to email round draft blog post on the 2010 Conference for approval. Yes check.svg Done

Matters arising

AT will recirculate the email to the WMF formalising the agreement to use Wikimedia Foundation trademarks in members-only merchandising and send after 24 hours.

ACTION: AT Yes check.svg Done

It was agreed that the budget for each project from the funding received from the Foundation should be reduced pro-rata to take account of the adverse exchange rate when we received the money:

Project Expense Expected value (GBP) Value (USD) Actual value (GBP)
Encouraging Wikipedia use in schools Computer 1,000 1,630 953.16
Travel 1,000 1,630 953.16
Content access projects Travel, refreshments 1,000 1,630 953.16
Content generation projects Advertising 1,000 1,630 953.16
Attending the chapters conference Travel, accommodation 500 815 476.58
Attending free content conferences Travel 500 815 476.58
Total 5,000 8,150 4,765.80

We agreed to ask the Foundation to reallocate this funding as follows:

Under "Encouraging Wikipedia use in schools":

  1. "Computer" change to "Computer and peripherals" and reduce by £250 ($427.50)
  2. "travel" change to "travel and shipping" and reduce by £250 ($427.50)
  3. New category "statutory checks" allocate £500 ($855)

Under Content generation projects

  1. "Advertising" change to "Advertising and travel"

TH agreed to contact the Foundation to request the change.

ACTION: TH Yes check.svg Done

JS left the meeting

It was agreed to pencil in the weekend 10-11 October for an in person board meeting. Members would be expected to fund their own travel and accommodation as required. MP will follow up by email.

ACTION: MP Symbol wait.svg Doing...

It was agreed to transfer the press release on 5m commons files to the main wiki and request drafting help from wikimediauk-l, commons-l, wmfcc-l and the Commons Village Pump. AT and PW agreed to cover press queries whilst MP is away, redirecting the phone to AT and giving PW's phone as an alternate.

ACTION: AT Yes check.svg Done, PW Yes check.svg Done



The Secretary's report was noted. AT agreed to email round a summary of the proposed fundraiser agreement for discussion at the next business meeting.

ACTION: AT Yes check.svg Done

AT agreed to draft a response to the supporter who wants to support us anonymously and circulate to the board.

ACTION: AT Go-next-red.svg Carried forward


Members 30, 31 and 32 were approved unanimously. TH will notify the new members and update the Register accordingly.

ACTION: TH Yes check.svg Done


The Chair's Report was noted. It was agreed in principle that Britain Loves Wikipedia could use part of the advertising budget to register a domain name such as MP agreed to investigate options and recommend a domain to register.

ACTION: MP Go-next-red.svg Carried forward


The Conferences Report was noted.


No report was available.


The Initiatives Report was noted. The Schools Project and Britain Loves Wikipedia are both on track and AT will prepare a timeline and budget for the Workplace Learning Lunches by 15th September.

It was agreed that the board did not have to approve the budget or timeline but it could be discussed if a member felt it should be. Otherwise, the initiatives would be left to run themselves. Only the actual expenditure of funds requires board approval.


The Volunteers Report was noted. MP suggested members merchandising would be a good membership draw and donors in the winter fundraiser should be able to join at the same time. AT agreed to complete the business cards action in time for the PLASA conference.

Charity commission application

Conflict of interest policy

The Conflict of Interest policy was adopted with minor amendments. It was agreed the Board would consider any amendments at its next business meeting.

AT agreed to contact each board member to complete the register of interests.

ACTION: AT Symbol wait.svg Doing...

Vulnerable people section of the application

The wording of section D of the Charity Commission application was approved with minor changes.

Child Protection Policy

The Child Protection Policy was adopted with minor amendments. It was agreed the Board would reconsider this policy in detail at its next business meeting.

MP agreed to arrange CRB checks for board members and Schools Project volunteers once the funding reallocation had been agreed with the Foundation.

ACTION: MP Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

Public benefit section of the application

The revised wording of section C of the Charity Commission application was approved with minor changes.

Now that all section had been completed and all required policies adopted, the application is now ready to send. AT agreed to submit it to the Charity Commission.

ACTION: AT Yes check.svg Done

Any other business

It was agreed to look into moving our OTRS system to one hosted by ourselves to reduce the risk that confidential emails are inappropriately viewed by non-WMUK people or emails are sent in the name of the chapter without approval. MP agreed to investigate.

ACTION: MP Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

MP has contacted the foundation requesting detailed statistics on the proportion of UK internet users who use Wikipedia. It was agreed he should continue to follow this up.

ACTION: MP Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

The September newsletter is due out on 13th September. AT agreed to draft a section on the charity application; PW will contact others to get sections written as needed. MP will distribute on wiki on 14th.

ACTION: AT Yes check.svg Done, PW Go-next-red.svg Carried forward, MP Go-next-red.svg Carried forward

Next meeting

The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 15th September 2009, 8:30 - 10:30 in #wikimedia-uk-board.