Reports 27Mar12
Below are the Board reports to the Board Meeting on 27 March 2012; see Agenda 27Mar12.
Templates for actions: {{done}} Done, {{cf}}
Carried forward, {{canc}}
If something needs discussing for longer than a minute, then please add it to the Matters Arising section on the agenda.
All board
- All budget owners are asked to complete the details of their items by the next board meeting.
Roger Bamkin (Chair)
- Actions
- RB and JD to prepare a draft on Metrics by 3 jan] <- see CK offer
Carried forward
- RB to invite WMDE/WMF/WMNL trustees/execs to give feedback on the WMUK board, and to assemble a summary paragraph for the annual report. Sue/Jimmy/Ting tick
- Closing off the Wright Challenge -
- Other stuff
- Attended fortnightly progress meetings for MonmouthpediA in Monmouth
- Worked with Steve Virgin to create a Monmouth communications plan
- Monmouth CC acknowledge the influence of Wikimedia UK in commissioning first town wide Wifi in Wales.
- Progressed delivery of 1,000 codes
- Arranged speakers for AGM
- Attended Coventry Wikimeet
- Attended Hack on the records to support Domesday WikiProject
- QRpedia outline IPR plan
- Arranged for Alex Hinejo to represent QRpedia in Barcelona
- QRpedia was joint 2nd in the SmartUK awards
- Interview on Austrian Radio on Wikipedia in general
- Weekly meetings with Chief Exec by phone (one missed)
- Discussed "Grand Project" at Manchester University with MP
- Coming Up
"Grand Project" at West Hertfordshire Uni with MP (QRmedia (sic))
- April 21 - Monmouthpedia launch/ celebration
- AGM on May 12
- "Communicating the Museum" - My abstract was accepted (on QRpedia). Lori had agreed to present but has now declined. Funding for Terence or I?
- Invite to present at Wikiconference in Estonia at end of May on WMUK/QRpedia
Michael Peel (Secretary)
Note that my report is outdated - I will provide a more complete one for the next board meeting (no time right now due to day job commitments).
Split into roles:
- Board
- Minutes 11Feb12 - needs work before being ready for approval.
- Membership approvals - in-camera report for list of names and locations.
- Need to know attendance numbers, and number of votes, for Annual Conference 2011 AGM Minutes. AT recorded these. Not essential, but nice to have.
- Will be attending the Finance meeting 2012 on 18-19 Feb
- Lots and lots of emails worked through...
- Budgets that I am (nominally) responsible for:
- 2012 Developer budget: To be expanded.
- 2012 Travel Grants budget: Wikimania, Finance Meeting, Chapters Meeting sponsorships are in progress (see below).
- 2012 Grants budget: Some microgrants already approved (see below); needs development.
- 2012 Event Tech: This is not currently covered by a budget line. Should it be? The current draft covers some things that we have already purchased, but also a number of additional items. This may come under other budget lines somehow.
- Action: JD, MP, SV and CK to assemble a first draft of the Annual Report by February for the Board to review it.
Carried forward not been a high enough priority yet.
- Grants
- Being reformatted, see Microgrants, Macrogrants and Scholarships.
- Macrogrants currently require board approval - to investigate setting up a grants committee.
- Pending:
- Microgrants/Wikinews reporter IDs - Pending preparation of a code of conduct.
- Microgrants/BL photocopies - in principle approved, but needs a page setting up to implement it.
- Microgrants/World War I resources - currently a draft microgrant, not yet submitted.
- Recently approved:
- Microgrants/Core Contest (prizes) - Approved 18 Feb
- Microgrants/RMS Titanic research in England and Microgrants/RMS Titanic research in Northern Ireland - Approved 16 Feb.
- In progress:
- Wikimania scholarships
- Finance meeting support
- Chapters meeting support
- Microgrants/Oxford Law Competition
- Microgrants/Gibbons Stamp Monthly Digital Archive 1890 - 2009
- Microgrants/Copyright law
- Microgrants/Elections in Europe
- Microgrants/In Defence of Naval Supremacy
- Microgrants/Persian miniature painting book
- Microgrants/Shore Establishments of the Royal Navy
- Closing off:
- Microgrants/London Wikipedia academy - only pending confirmation that the expenses were reimbursed.
- Microgrants/Brighton Hackathon 2011 - one expense claim outstanding before this can be closed.
- WikiConference India Scholarships - Still pending some expense claims. Report being written at WikiConference India 2011 Report
- WikiSym Scholarships - Hotel bill from the WMF outstanding; needs to be paid before this can be closed off.
- Recently closed
- Administrative
- Reports/2011/November, Reports/2011/December, Reports/2012/January (including SOPA) - need completing and sending out. Reports/2012/February being prepared. Task needs transferring to office.
- Sysadmin
- Normal maintenance and backups carried out.
- Wiki Loves Monuments domains purchased (from 2012 Developer budget)
- Volunteer
- Geocamp - on back burner at the moment, will pick up again once we have events organiser in place.
- Closing off Britain Loves Wikipedia
Doing... - two prizes now awarded, with the rest in progress. Need to give Jon info about this.
- Giving a Bright Club talk in Manchester on 1 March on Wikipedia and 'histories'.
Andrew Turvey (Treasurer)
- Actions
- AT - In camera minutes of 2 February 2011
- AT to contact WMF board member Jan-Bart to discuss how to locate new trustees.
- AT and JD to organise the pensions scheme -
- AT to send the list of 2012 authorising individuals around to the board for approval
Chris Keating (incl Fundraiser)
- Reports
- Fundraiser. (Still haven't finished fundraiser wrapup report, it may never get more finished than it is)
- Future fundraising, chapter relationships - I reported verbally on the February Finance Meeting at the most recent Executive. It was a very positive meeting with a lot of useful conversation between Foundation and Chapter representatives, but few 'hard' outcomes. The main 'soft' outcome to date is the momentum behind the Chapters Council, which now has the support of 17 chapters. We expect the Foundation board to reach a conclusion on fundraising and funds dissemination by the end of March.
- Working on a proposal for future fundraising staffing assuming we get the right outcome from the Wikimedia Foundation. As I have previously indicated, it is not sustainable for us to continue to raise 7-figure sums of money reliant on the efforts of volunteers.
- WWI. Attending roundtable meeting with wide range of WWI-related institutions just before the Board call. A WWI editathon in June looks likely, more details nearer the time. Meeting another insitution on Weds to discuss a Wikipedian in Residence proposal that may well be WWI related.
- Wikimania 2013 At the last London Wikimeet there was a discussion about where, in the event of a successful Wikimania bid by London or Bristol, the boundaries would lie between the Foundation, the Chapter and the bid team. What commitments would Wikimedia UK need to take, what would be the risks to us, and what responsibilities would we have?
- Actions
Fae (and GLAM programme)
- GLAM toolserver project - funding plan is currently a risk, I have required a delay in project start in my role on the steering group subject to review of the commitments by all chapters.
- The National Archives - initial scans done, negotiations for further releases of (interesting) existing digital collections, plans for summer placement underway.
- British Library WIR - interviews should have completed, so should be able to make an announcement soon.
- GLAMwiki 2012 - Daria & Fæ visited the BL to discuss logistics, Daria has this well in hand.
- Actions
- Fæ to compile a briefing for partners on issues and expectations surrounding in-residency projects.
- MP/Fæ Blogs or reports from the recent India scholarships to be received and published, may require re-prompting.
Done Fæ/JD/PW Trustee training recommendation
- Fæ/JD/RS Strategy 2 day
- JD/Fæ Horniman Museum approach
- Fæ with GTF 1 to establish GLAM Task Force 2 (it's time)
- Fæ and RB to ensure that strategy is on the agenda for future meetings.
Martin Poulter (incl Education budget)
- Recent
- Presented at IDeoGRAMS seminar, University of Leicester, on "Wikipedia: Elitism for the Masses"
- Delivered a solo half-day workshop to 12 staff at Science Learning Centre South West
- Stall at Association of Humanist Students National Convention, London
- Visited office to brief Daria, mainly concerning expert outreach events
- Preparation for Geological Society workshop: now handed over to Daria
- Actions
- Strategy, publicity & event preparation for Wikimedia Universities Programme
- MLP to talk to Candy regarding launch events for training the trainers
Done Midas Consulting provided a proposal along lines we agreed: see separate discussion
- Upcoming
- Delivering training workshop at British Psychological Society conference
- Visit to University of Leicester with Daria about conference logistics
- Visit to University of Hertfordshire with Roger about various aspects of university engagement
Steve Virgin (incl Wikimania Bid)
- Actions
CIPR/PRCA Meeting Open discussion with CIPR/PRCA with a view to building bridges between Wikipedia and the public relations industry
- Noted that this task is far from simple
- Have agreed an experiment in collaborative assistance between two communities (Monmouthpedia) so we can begin to learn more about what we each do as a group
- CIPR/PRCA are attempting to get a 'kick start' document together on broad principles that promote ethical Wikipedia editing (from their perspective not ours) which they wish to run by the Board at April meeting
- They would like a slot at AGM (Fernando Rizo) assuming we feel these principles are acceptable as a Board, the idea is to get the PRCA/CIPR to introduce them to the annual gathering of our community to see how they are received and to see whether there is a consensus to move forward on a working group or some kind of arrangement to discuss how we might better understand our respective communities over time
- The PRCA is interested in a Wikipedian helping them as a body 'find all the policies and principles' that exist in our own policy documents and statements and 'pulling them together in a single document for the industry' - this is an idea on their part - not a commitment on ours. It is a possible outcome of the AGM slot (assuming the Board is in favour)
- They are also interested in training on ethical wikipedia editing and would like volunteers to step forward and help build programs based around Best Practice - again another possible outcome of the AGM 'talk'
Monmouthpedia Communications strategy
- CIPR/PRCA has offered support for Monmouthpedia and are willing to approach their membership to come and volunteer as they believe in the project
- Have had conversation with a coordinator on their side and we have the outline of a strategy (today) attempted to fix a meeting with CIPR/PRCA Comms coordinator and Stevie Benton from Wikipedia office for next Monday
- Designing a 'Press pack' package for journos volunteering where they can quickly get content and get up to speed
- Have created a Monmouthpedia Messaging page for all to share in the creation of new content for the press campaign
- About to agree a complex Timeline for the campaign between now and April 21 with all parties (email went out to today)
- Will have briefing calls with CIPR/PRCA volunteers next week and following week to coordinate message
- Given the 'sensitivity' of the PR industry links - am going to talk to WMF and Comms Comms about strategy and tactics as soon as I can
Speaker at AGM Conversation/Meeting with Rob McKinnon - possible speaker at AGM
Wikimania Bid
- Closes on Friday at midnight
- Not discussing this for sake of conflict of interest (not fair on London and Board has no preferred candidate)
- Seeking sign off for a Case Study for ARKIVE - thinking approach Andy Mabbett to write it if we get ARKIVE agreement
Carried forward (Have asked - and am waiting response from Ellie - gone nowhere will chase again)
- Science Museum Partnership - Now this has become an attempt to use the AGM to get a meeting with them to follow up on this formally - am wating a reply from them
- JD, MP, SV and CK to assemble a first draft of the Annual Report by February for the Board to review it. (chipping in rather than leading now)
Andy Mabbett
- AM to provide JD with an estimate for the costs of a web-streaming system.
Six Month Review - October 2011-March 2012
As requested a review of the first six months of WMUK since my appointment File:6 month review for Board.pdf
Jon Davies (CEO)
- Data protection insurance. Quote for £2000+ to protect our data - seems absurdly expensive. Am questioning insurance company.
- JD/Office to look into a software solution to track actions and plans.
Doing... Looking at which actions most meaningful to track track. Have asked for people's preferences and am receiving suggestions. First suggestions = payment of expenses, payment of invoices. thanks emails to donors, replies to emails and phone messages.
- RB and JD to prepare a draft on Metrics by 3 Jan.
Doing... See 2 – should all integrate. Will fit in to five year plan targets. See above.
- JD, MP, SV and CK to assemble a first draft of the Annual Report by February for the Board to review it. Several contributions received by March 1st. Stevie Benton now in post and has posted a pdf draft of the Annual Report for comment. Emailed round on 22nd March. Deadline for finished copy March 31st.
- JD to set up the process of a trustee induction for new trustees. Fae has participated in one day course. Will be able to offer similar to all trustees at local venue through regional voluntary sector organisations. Then move on to the whole board training Fae has arranged with Peter Williams.
- AT and JD to organise the pensions scheme
Doing... Working on this.Narrowing down to four options. Need to gather more data and present to staff and trustees.
- JD to push forward the QRPedia transfer of ownership. Has become embroiled in broader issues around Monmouth.
- JD to integrate the text from the Google document into 2012 Activity Plan, and to use that as the main point for developing the plans for our activities this year.
- Draft five year plan template drafted by staff now available for comment to take to community for filling out and agreeing.
Looking for Board approval to publish to community for decisions at Monmouth. Will then publish on a wiki for discussion.
- Paper on 2012 AGM with questions to be answered.
2012 AGM
I would like to get the Board’s opinions on a few issues on the organisation of the AGM. Daria has produced background information. The questions/suggestions are in red on the google doc
or below
Director’s Suite - a self contained conference centre adjacent to the Science Museum. Two separate rooms (main venue and a foyer used as catering space), plus registration/cloakroom space. The contracts with both the venue and caterer have been signed and we are firming up on the details. £2,160 + VAT for room hire £1228.50 inc VAT for catering for 75 (arrival tea, sandwich buffet lunch, afternoon tea, unlimited tap water throughout).'s_Suite - to give an idea of the space.
Main room fits 100 people maximum theatre-style. - Including - one LDC projector, Wi-Fi (with sufficient capacity), screen, 4 flipcharts with pens, PA system, lectern and microphones. Additional equipment can be brought in (as long as it’s PAT tested). Hire of an additional projector - £150+VAT. 25 power points available in the main room.
Will need if we have parallel sessions. See below.
- Sam Downie provisionally contacted about recording the event. Stevie Benton would help. - No air con, no hearing loop. - Signage can be arranged with the venue - do we want a sign outside the entrance as well?
Yes - office to arrange
- Main room has several alcoves which are not appropriate for separate talks, but can be used e.g. by tellers for vote counting. Can also be used as exhibition spaces - any ideas? Are there any suggestions for exhibitions on the day?
- Foyer which leads to the main room - can be used as an informal meeting space for 15-20 people standing. Will be used for catering as well. Suggest not a sensible option as will be in constant use for catering, arriving or milling around.
- Breakout room - 15-20 people boardroom style. £500+VAT hire. Has not been booked. See below on decisions.
Venue is booked from 8AM to 6PM and we need to leave promptly. The program in the current shape: - If we need to leave by 6PM the close of the meeting should perhaps be 4:45PM.
- We have currently two sessions for talks - 10AM - 12PM / 3PM - 5PM. The second session should be shorter because of the possible length of the AGM and the need to leave promptly, hence 3:15PM - 4:45PM.
Suggest we agree this and keep fingers crossed. JD/RB
- There is 90 minutes for the AGM, with 30 minutes for Election Hustings and Voting. Depending on the number of candidates, this may not be enough. Perhaps 15 minutes should be added? - Do candidates know the questions beforehand? Richard and James to decide - a little while to think about this. Could restrict debate to on-Wiki? James says possible to have husting with questions in advance and 90 second speeches. Richard and James to decide.
- It was suggested the first session should include what WMUK has done in 2011 as a good intro to the AGM.
- If each speaker gets 25 minutes for a talk that gives 7 slots.
- This can be expanded to 14 if we make use of either the Foyer, or book the breakout room (£500+VAT), but both these rooms have limited capacity of 15-20 people.
Steve V to advise who further up the food chain at the Science Museum we talk to. RB
- Can the Board decide on the key speakers to be confirmed and share their details so we can contact them
- If many speakers are keen to talk , would it be possible to arrange a panel discussion instead?
Also NB. the results of the Wikimania 2013 bid is scheduled to be announced on 28 April 2012. Given the physical restrictions on the location we will have to come to a decision on how we arrange the day.
1. Should we plan the day to have whole room sessions with panels of speakers? Internal review of WMUK in the morning, external speakers in the afternoon session?
Should we book the smaller room (20 people) and run parallel breakout sessions?
2. Who are the speakers who have accepted?
3. Could we have another session on the Sunday at the Wikimeet?
- Who is Opening / Closing the event?
Roger happy to do one of these with a guest the other. Jon ready as standy-by.
{{colour | red |Who decides on the winners / arranges for the prizes / presents the awards at events.? Done by consensus on wiki. Roger getting prizes.]]
This part has 30 minutes in the programme - are the winners presenting a speech? - if so should they know in advance? Gracious words of thanks - no speeches. RB
{{colour | red |- Are the expenses only provided for Speakers? Some delegates have been requesting support on the event’s wiki page?
Special cases will be taken into consideration, otherwise speakers and trustees.]]
- Who is taking care of gifts for the Speakers? Office to get flowers or something suitable.
- is the collaboration with the Science Museum a part of the program? (e.g. a special tour, presentation of a Wikipedian in Residence program). Steve V to advise.
Please see weekly office reports for more detail.
Matters for discussion:
- Wikimania - ensuring equity of approach between Bristol and London bids.
Richard Symonds (Office Manager)
- Actions
- RS to assist with chasing and clearing the backlog of outstanding submission of expense claims.
- RS to include disputed transactions in the weekly backlog reports. (???? Victuallers 17:10, 3 January 2012 (UTC)
Carried forward
- Refers to paypal donations that have been disputed on paypal for some reason by the donor - e.g. if they accidentally donated twice. Mike Peel 18:50, 3 January 2012 (UTC))
- RS to set up weekly email of pending members to the board for approval. Also to look into 'red flagging' systems to identify any problematic membership applications that might be received.
Carried forward
- Currently fortnightly. Richard Symonds (WMUK) 10:29, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- Comms person to look into organising a media training day for staff, trustees and volunteers.