Reports 19Nov11
Below are the Board reports to the Board Meeting on 19-20 November 2011; see Agenda 19Nov11.
Templates for actions: {{done}} Done, {{cf}}
Carried forward, {{canc}}
If something needs discussing, then please add it to the Matters Arising section on the agenda.
All board
- Actions
- All board members to look at the Executive Committee proposed definition, and to ask members for input.
Roger Bamkin (Chair)
- Attended Europeanna conference in Vienna. Report here. Video here
- Released video on Wright Challenge. 1,500 plays of Digg - thanks to Steve/Claire
- Supported Wiki Loves Monuments photo exhib in St Petersburg with QRpedia
- Supported Miro exhibition in Barcelona with QRpedia
- Spoke at Norwegian National Museums conference in Lillehammer
- On panel at Special Libraries Conference
- Organised (badly) extra room at EGM
- Liaised with Barry re fundraiser and budget
- MonmouthpediA - Met twice - City Council to back, Newport Univ. being funded. 3-5 K contribution. WIR to be in place imminently
- Spoke at Norwegian Museums conference in Lillehammer
- Met Sue at National Archives to celebrate Jo Pugh's work
- Actions
- Action report on Derby Museums - video and contribution to Outreach - Nick Moyes had other work
- Contract for CEO - tick
- Expenses catch-up, high priority - done for everyone bar self
- RB to ask Nick (ex-Derby museum) to assemble a best-practices guide to QR code deployment in a museum. Funding from the culture and heritage budget subject to agreement of Fæ as budget holder. - See above
- MP and RB to identify a better way of doing exec calls in the future. - Not started
Michael Peel (Secretary)
Split into roles:
- Board
- Membership approvals - see in-camera report for list of names and locations. Members are being approved on a 3-weekly basis, unless there is a high number of applications. Richard is now dealing with applications and renewals on a routine basis.
- Need to know attendance numbers, and number of votes, for Annual Conference 2011 AGM Minutes (AT recorded these)
- commons:Commons:IUCN_red_list has become active again. Am in the loop on the discussions; this is being led by Gonçalo Themudo.
- MP to rework Minutes 27Aug11 for approval at the next meeting.
- MP to talk to Tom Morris about in-camera action.
- Grants
- Books: Microgrants/Elections in Europe, Microgrants/Copyright law and Microgrants/Shore Establishments of the Royal Navy approved; funds spent; work in progress.
- Microgrants/Microphone needed approved, but the funds have not yet been spent.
- Microgrants/Brighton Hackathon 2011 approved, in progress
- Microgrants/World War I resources pending
- Administrative
- Reports/2011/October; working on Reports/2011/November
- Minutes 11Oct11, Minutes 16Oct11, EGM 2011/Minutes
- WikiSym Scholarships - in the process of closing this off
- WikiConference India Scholarships - 4 scholarships offered (one partial). Ongoing (conference is this weekend).
- Need to reformat Microgrants to incorporate standard grants.
Carried forward
- Action to ask one of the India scholarship awardees to write an early blog post.
- Sysadmin
- Providing general tech support (webmail, fundraising, etc.)
- (With Chris) brainstormed the sysadmin and developer tasks needed for WMUK operations, and partially our mission. Discussing with JD.
- Action: Update blog to use Vector skin [1]; specify license (the standard CC-BY-SA?)
Carried forward (ideally needs tech person; currently low priority)
- MP and RB to identify a better way of doing exec calls in the future.
- Volunteer
- Pushing forward with Geocamp
- Closing off Britain Loves Wikipedia
Doing... - two prizes now awarded, with the rest in progress
Andrew Turvey (Treasurer)
There have been 64 bank transactions since the last meeting - roughly 10 per week, a significant increase since April. For latest bank transactions please see Bank Statements and Latest Transactions Report
I continue to pay expenses as they are submitted, generally in a batch weekly or fortnightly, with urgent payments as required. I have also been pro-actively chasing outstanding claims. Currently the only expenses listed on the office as outstanding are several international ones - see below - and mine, which MLP has agreed to look at.
It was agreed that I would notify the board if any claims are outstanding for more than three weeks. Last meeting I gave a clean report; however I have since realised that this was not accurate in the following cases:
- I missed about five entries when doing a batch and these ended up being a couple of days over
- some expenses have been submitted to approving trustees and delayed passing on to me.
- some emails have been missed. if anyone is aware of any overdue expenses or invoices please ring me to chase
- invoices sent direct to the registered office without being approved first
I have set up BaydonHill for international payments with an interim authority levels pending approval by the board Discuss
I've prepared the information for the annual return ready for submission. I'd like to transfer the registered office at the same time Discuss
I've passed about 20 letters to Richard - mostly dds, some cheques
I've made two transfers from paypal, and cleared a number of disputed transactions.
I would like permission to open two new bank accounts Discuss
Discussed pensions with JD and have a proposal for in camera Discussion
Arranged with UHY to file accounts with Companies House. Also filed the Special Resolution. We have received UHY's management response letter and I will prepare a response with JD so we can publish both together.
Another letter has been sent in error to TD by the coop - they couldn’t explain why on the phone and we are preparing a letter of complaint.
Proposal on email to reallocate and delegate some of the 2011 Budget
- Actions
- AT to investigate debit cards for bank account signatories.
- AT - In camera minutes of 2 February 2011
- AT - written legal advice onto wiki
- AT to send invitations to current and past office admins to comment on the office manager job description during its development.
- AT to open a second bank account, with increased controls over expenditure and higher levels of interest.
- AT to rework the 2011 budget to accommodate the costs of sending follow-up postal letters to donors (£27,850)
- AT to send document around on VAT as it relates to the WMF grant.
- AT to ask the tellers to publish the number of proxies that have been received. #AT also to write a blog post regarding the CC not having any further issues with the new objects.
Chris Keating (incl Fundraiser)
My time commitment is unusually limited at the moment because of starting a new job (Nov 14th) and a set of professional exams (Dec 5th-7th). So I am trying to be very focused on fundraising.
- Fundraiser
- 5 more fundraising tests since the last meeting, all of which are documented here. The focus has been on;
- Finding the right balance between Direct Debit and cash/paypal donations. So far the key learning point is that using a landing page which asks explicitly for Direct Debit donations gets them, without noticeably reducing the total income. Putting text in the banner ads about direct debits means a higher proportion of DDs but reduces the total income.
- Re-testing some of the development the Foundation have done of new banners and appeals. Susan and Brandon are joining Jimmy in our starting lineup, but not everyone who seems to work in the USA is working here.
- Fundraiser went live fully on 14th Nov. Provisional figures have been circulated. Updated income figures will be available though there will not be time to prepare very detailed reports before the meeting.
- A launch email was sent which performed very well
- Set up a Gift Aid form & GA recording system - this, like the DD recording system, is fit for purpose but no more than that. Better systems are being build for CiviCRM and we should review our database needs promptly after the end of the fundraiser, with an open mind to either investing in CiviCRM development or using an alternative product.
- We should review our fundraising systems post fundraiser to control our transactions costs. We should consider using a payment gateway for credit card payments and also get our own SUN number for direct debit transactions - these steps should help reduce transaction costs.
- Commissioned a contractor to build improved DD forms using SmartDebit API (delivery date tbc)
- Direct Mail item is in process and elements will be going to print the week subsequent to the meeting.
Discussions with Alun Edwards (Oxford University Computer Service) and Pierre Purseigle (Birmingham Uni.) about supporting their JISC funding bid, resulting us supporting the bid.
- Actions
- Sort out print items to support outreach
Fae (and GLAM programme)
GLAM network
- British Museum Ice Age Art event had 12 people taking part, including 1 BM volunteer. 2 workshops delivered for BM volunteers and staff. 2012 programme under review.
- British Library new exhibition Royal manuscripts, British Library, tour and curator led session being arranged. Stonyhurst Gospel much revised in preparation for March campaign for BL procurement launch (£9 million).
- New partnership with John Rylands University Library, we are part of their strategic plan and events will ramping up to the summer 2012.
- GLAMcamp Amsterdam, the UK is sending 13 people from our GLAM UK network and WM-UK helped WM-NL to host the event with a contribution of £3,000 to support travel where other chapters have been unable to fund representatives.
- Manchester University Lounge, 12 attendees for around an hour mix of students and staff. Further lounges and days for staff and curators planned. Re-fresher's fair planned for outreach event.
- Herbert museum planning a brown bag in January.
- First Wales partnerships including external funding under discussion at Monmouth with John Cummings, our Welsh GLAM ambassador.
- Initial discussions for a Scotwiki photography week in 2012, part funded from Germany. COM:Scotwiki.
Fae specific
- National Archives, visit with WMF a great success, follow-up discussions planned with Fae and Leutha on logistics for next year.
- Governance, supporting discussions with Jon on forming a plan and how to help the trustees adapt to charity governance needs, including the board workshop on governance and options for PQASSO.
- Supporting recruitment and final interviews for Office Manager.
- Taking part in the Parliamentary ICT Forum to discuss proposed UK copyright law changes.
- Handling enquiry to support the Joint Committee on Privacy and Injunctions, Fae and John working together on responses.
- Actions
- Fae/Roger/JD - GLAM coordination should be proposed as a paid programme activity (not office role) due to the ramping up of the programme, particularly in expectations of growth throughout 2012, and the significant coordination, backroom planning and communication is putting significant burden on a few key volunteers.
- (TBA, getting urgent) The Strategy Workshop results should be incorporated into the WM-UK wiki, this may be useful to time with further announcements about an EGM if needed to support transition to charity status.
Fae - Add general simple guidelines to the WM-UK wiki defining what travel expenses WM-UK are prepared to cover for volunteers supporting events (deferred after time taken engaging with governance, advice for WikiConference India scholarships was to follow the WMF expenses guidelines).- Fæ to lead the assembly of a briefing for partners on issues and expectations surrounding in-residency projects.
Martin Poulter (incl Education budget)
- Did live 25 minute interview on BBC Radio Bristol and BBC Radio Somerset on Wikimedia and other topics
- One-hour meeting with a researcher for a University of Bristol/ University of Cardiff project on crowdsourcing. Explained how Wikimedia projects can benefit arts and humanities researchers
- Bristol meeting with JD, SV, Bristol City Council contacts and University of Bristol contacts. As a result, wrote an outline proposal for a joint geodata project. This is presently shared in Google Docs, will move to wiki for wider commenting after the first round of comments.
- Wrote brochure on Wikimedia as a public engagement tool for researchers - text on wiki for others to improve
- Spoke at ESRC seminar on Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights
- Coming up: Meeting, with the British Psychological Society, presenting at a meeting of scholarly societies, organising a training day for Bristol Girl Geeks, writing more brochures/ guides
- Actions
- Strategy, publicity & event preparation for Wikimedia Universities Programme
- Look into a team for a training event for Food Standards Agency in Autumn (awaiting FSA contact details from SV)
- MLP to put together a full proposal on a Wikipedia trainers course, assessment and accreditation program, in coordination with Fæ and Jon. - in progress
Steve Virgin (incl Wikimania Bid Committee)
- Actions
- Seeking sign off for a Case Study for ARKIVE - thinking approach Andy Mabbett to write it if we get ARKIVE agreement
- Set up small scale Back Stage Pass Events based around Science Museum archive at Wroughton near swindon - purpose to find volunteers from the University of Bristol Societies that can work with this (open to all W'pedians of course as well) - attempting to use link up to consolidate the relationship with the Univ of Bristol and begin one with Science Museum (this end of M4)
- Done
- Science City - Spoke at Association of Science & Development Centres Annual Meeting for marketing managers - talk on QR Codes - went down well, two centres have already requested follow up meetings on back of this talk (Rotherham & Space Centre in Leicester) - need a Board member to lead
- MonmouthPedia - supported RB in his set up meeting talk to the Monmouth crowd with John Cummins
- Achieved charitable status
- Begun Wikimania discussions with Panyd - have set up a page for the Bristol Bid (still work in progress)
- Had meeting with MShed Museum team - follow up meetings likely may spill into 2-12
- Met senior teachers from Bristol Metropolitan School (a language academy with some 30+ languages) - very keen - will come back with ideas of how to take to next stage
- Sat in on UHY call with Fae and Jon Davies
- Worked on fund raiser press release
- Work on promotion and tracking of fundraiser press release
- In discussion with The Next Web & New Statesman about possible stories TBC
- Passed on details of Bristol University 'e-learning team' usage of Wikipedia as a case study for lecturers seeking material to learn - to a lecturer at Leciester University that I met on a train on way to Space Centre in Leicester talk (see first point in this sector)
John Byrne (Charity Status)
- Main job done! Phew!
- Remaining pieces:
- HMRC application form, should be done soon - AT has password details & will do? Will be delay of ?17 weeks before processing, affecting timing of receipt of gift aid
- HMRC gift aid claims - know little about these - all on their website. It seems to be up to you how often & when you submit a claim. A delay of ?7 weeks processing claims, & our first won't be started on until the application (last item) is processed. NB Gift Aid is whole UK, no Scotland, NI.
- Scottish letter to OSCR - Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator - to be done - AT has discussed with Tom Morgan of SK. IF this throws up Scottish legal issues - we hope not - we will need to consult Scottish lawyers. Examination of their information suggests we are not sufficiently active in Scotland to require regulation anyway; this might not change even with a person working out of MGS. So not too time-sensitive.
- Northern Ireland. New regulator, the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, not yet taking applications. We won't have to register anyway, on current pattern of activities. Keep an eye on the charities press for this. Likely to be long-term.
- Various changes to articles, perhaps for next AGM. Stone King haven't been asked to MOT test articles yet, but have mentioned adding Northern Ireland. Also name-change of course, if we decide on that. "Wikimedia UK" already permitted in WMF chapter agreement - "Name" clause - so new consent not needed.
- The question of whether we have sufficiently detailed information on where the money goes for the CC. I'm happy to take this to SK if board want.
- I think that's it.
Jon Davies (CEO)
- Actions
- JD to ensure that the job description for the current office manager includes goals and assessment.
- Not for a Job Description - these will be agreed with the appointee
- JD to request a quote for insurance for board members against the risk of personal liability and negligence.
- Slow business but three quotes obtained - will report
- JD to investigate having a travel agent (in particular, one that can book travel for named volunteers and charge it directly to WMUK).
- Key Travel although train and budget airlines can be done direct through the office.
- JD to send around standard text of insurance against risk of personal liability and negligence.
- See above insurances
- JD to look at the expense system and to come back to the board with a proposal for improving it.
- See Financial Protocols paper.
- JD to book hotel rooms for the next in-person board meeting as needed, liaising with AT on finances.
- Fingers crossed.
- JD to produce a standard agenda for the exec calls
- Present, Apologies, CE Report on week, Urgent matters from Board members.
Draft Job Description for Events organiser
- Job Title Events Manager
- Reporting to CEO
- Salary £25,000 - £29,000
- Benefits 25 days annual leave, Stakeholder pension
- Location Central London
The objective is to support and promote the work of Wikimedia UK which includes Wikipedia and other open content.
To do this, the Events Manager will need to:
- Support the CEO by developing and delivering a range of large and small activities throughout the UK
- Support and encourage the participation of volunteers in the activities of Wikimedia UK.
- Be part of the office team delivering the Wikimedia UK plan
- Build a relationship of trust with the board and the broader Wikimedia community
- Be accountable for the budgeting and resources for the events
Key responsibilities
Management duties
- Work with the CEO to develop a range of activities appropriate to the needs of Wikimedia UK
- Report to the CEO and administrator ensuring that expenditure is controlled in line with the events budgets
- Prepare regular, publically available, reports to the CEO and board on the events programme of the charity, including assessments of success and ensure these are openly available
- Be responsible for all aspects of the events working with volunteers to make them professionally run and productive.
- Handle all documentation regarding the events and support the administrator in
accounting for them financially.
- Encourage and promote the involvement of volunteers and ensure that volunteers are provided with opportunities to support and participate in the organisation
- Ensure that all events are managed safely with proper risk assessments undertaken
- Liaise with The Foundation and other chapters to develop good practice and where appropriate share the planning and delivery of events.
Project Management
- Prepare, run and evaluate the events detailed in the Wikimedia UK plan
- Work with volunteers to ensure the greatest possible involvement of the Wikimedia UK community in the events.
- Monitor the delivery and financial security of Wikimedia UK’s events programme.
- Ensure Health and Safety and Insurance matters are in order for all staff, volunteers and visitors at events
- Support and propose the development of new projects
- Proven experience of project management involving the public and partner organisations.
- Experience of organising a wide range of events
- An understanding of delivering training at a variety of levels
- An understanding of the charity and not-for-profit sector (desirable)
- Experience of working effectively with a team of volunteers
- Experience of working in a charitable or not-for-profit environment (desirable)
- Track record in budgeting and of achieving financial balance.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
- Passionate about the aims and values of Wikimedia UK
- The energy to support the CEO in growing an organisation from its earliest stages; vision, innovation, strategic thinking
- Good people management skills, with the ability to involve and inspire volunteers working remotely over geographically dispersed locations
- Excellent software skills, including word-processing, spreadsheets, internet procedures, and database applications.
- Excellent project management abilities
- Flexible approach, with the capability to be a team player in a high-growth start-up environment, and identify and manage opportunities and risk
- Logical, clear thinking, diplomatic and patient approach
- Understanding of working with and managing volunteers; the ability to learn quickly and integrate within the Wikimedia community
- Ability to work flexible hours and locations as required
- Undertake training as required.
- An understanding of internet technologies, in particular wikis
- An understanding of the culture and policies of Wikimedia communities
- Knowledge of other languages (desirable)
Draft Job Description for Director of Communications
(Title slightly grand but impresses journalists and media.)
- Job Title Director of Communications
- Reporting to CEO
- Salary £22,000 - £25,000
- Benefits 25 days annual leave, Stakeholder pension
- Location Central London
The objective is to support and promote the work of Wikimedia UK which includes Wikipedia and other open content.
To do this, the Communications manager will need to:
- Be accountable for all aspects of internal and external communications for WMUK
- Support the CEO in ensuring that the work and message of Wikimedia UK is clearly relayed to those within and without the WMUK community
- Support and encourage the participation of volunteers in the activities of Wikimedia UK.
- Be part of the office team delivering the Wikimedia UK plan
- Build a relationship of trust with the board and the broader Wikimedia community
Key responsibilities
Management duties
- Work with the CEO to deliver and develop a communications strategy for WMUK.
- Report to the CEO and administrator on the financial management of the communications strategy ensuring it remains on budget.
- Prepare regular, publicly available, reports to the CEO and board on the delivery of the communications strategy and how it can be developed.
- Encourage and promote the involvement of volunteers and ensure that volunteers are provided with opportunities to support and participate in the organization
- Maintain and develop the full range of Wiki pages within the WMUK community and develop any extra wikis as needed.
- Maintain and create means of communicating with the members and community including web sites, blogging and social media.
- Build up relationships with the media and develop media opportunities for WMUK
- Working with the Board and CEO originate and disseminate press releases on behalf of WMUK.
- Create publications for use by WMUK in its development, e,g, Annual Reports
- To support other staff, trustees and volunteers in communications matters.
Project Management
- Support the CEO and Board by developing an effective and evolving communications strategy.
- Be the first point of call for media enquiries.
- Develop media strategies to promote the work of WMUK in particular the annual fundraiser
- Work with volunteers to discover media opportunities to promote their work
- Support the development of new projects
- Proven experience of delivering a communications strategy at a national level
- Understanding of the Wikimedia community and its communication tools
- Experience of working effectively with a team of volunteers
- Experience of working in a charitable or not-for-profit environment (desirable)
- Track record in writing, web editing and social media
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
- Passionate about the aims and values of Wikimedia UK
- The energy to support the CEO in growing an organisation from its earliest stages; using vision, innovation and strategic thinking
- Good people management skills, with the ability to involve and inspire volunteers working remotely over geographically dispersed locations
- An understanding of internet technologies, in particular wikis
- An understanding of Social Media.
- Excellent software skills, including Desk Top Publishing, Web Content Management Systems, word-processing, spreadsheets, internet procedures, and database applications.
- Excellent project management abilities.
- Flexible approach, with the capability to be a team player in a high-growth start-up environment, and identify and manage opportunities and risk.
- Logical, clear thinking, diplomatic and patient approach.
- Understanding of working with and managing volunteers; the ability to learn quickly
and integrate within the Wikimedia community
- Ability to work flexible hours and locations as required
- Undertake training as required..
- Knowledge of other languages (desirable) 14:14, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
Job Description for Developer
Have asked Mike for help writing this as specialist area.
Paper on Governance
Wikimedia UK and Governance Fae and I have been talking about the governance needs of WMUK especially now we are a Charity. We felt it might be useful to offer some thoughts to inform our discussion about where we are headed, where do we want to go, and what do we want to achieve. I look forward to your thoughts.
Primary aim
As a new charity we need to prove from the start that we will have the best governance possible.
All Create an ethos of mutual support where the Board, Volunteers and staff value each other’s contribution and remember to encourage their work. The board
- A board that offers vision, imagination and inspiration to the staff, volunteers and Wikimedia community.
- A board that is accountable to the Wikimedian community.
- A board that understands the big picture and thinks strategically.
- A board that is reflective and honest about its performance.
- A board that develops its abilities through experience and training
- A board that learns to delegate the operational aspects of the charity.
- A board that ensures delivery on its plans and objectives.
- A board that ensures quality of services and products.
- There is clear leadership and management for the staff
- Staff that understand their roles and work as a team to develop the Charity and deliver the Charity’s programme.
- Staff who value the role of volunteers and work closely with them without creating a ‘them and us’ mentality.
- Staff who evaluate and reflect on their strengths and areas for development through training
- Staff who are valued by trustees and volunteers and whose work is respected
- Staff who deliver high quality services/products
- Volunteers who feel valued and consulted and whose work is integral to the success of the charity
- Volunteers who feel that the staff and trustees understand them and support their work
- That the WMUK programme supports the work of volunteers
- That communications within the community are developed to create regularly shared information
- New generations of volunteers
- Within 2012 to have achieved level one in the PQASSO framework
- Within 2013 to have achieved level 2
- Transparent and rigorous financial protocols
- Value for money for every pound spent
- That clear targets and assessment are introduced to measure the effectiveness of our activities
- That staff and other resources are used to their best effect
- Clear and best practice HR procedures
- Annual and longer term plans for delivering the development of WMUK
- Clear and consensual polices in areas such as external relations, public advocacy, volunteer development, and fundraising,
- Locally sensitive policies offering a UK take on the Foundation’s goals.
- A public relations strategy and procedures that maximise promotion of our work
- More understanding within the UK Public of the work of the volunteers that make Wikimedia UK.
- Better understanding amongst UK policy makers of the importance of our work
- Better media appreciation of what we achieve with concomitant coverage
- An increasing profile in the Wikimedia movement for Wikimedia UK with clearer definition between it and the Foundation
- We will build good relationships with sympathetic organisations to promote our aims
- A programme of activities that builds on the success of the first ten years by developing a new generation of volunteers
- A programme that builds links with sympathetic institutions
- A growing acknowledgment of the value of our work
- Increasing international cooperation and project-sharing
- Creating a physical base where staff, trustees and volunteers can work together
In three months
- A core staff group is developing the plans for 2012 in association with identified trustees and volunteers.
- Our systems and procedures are in place and operating successfully. Notably, Finance, HR, Comms and our reporting and decision cycle.
- Trustees are working to develop their performance and roles.
- There is an annual cycle of Board decision-making established.
In six months
- The programme for 2012 has been finalised and is beginning to be delivered
- Our staff team is completed.
- Volunteer involvement is growing with more Wikimeets, editors and special events aimed at developing their enthusiasm
- That the diversity of volunteers has begun to grow. We see a growth in the number of women editors and more applications for support and grant aid for non-English Wikis.
- Trustees have developed their understanding of best charity practice
In twelve months
- We have achieved level one of PQASSO
- We have delivered our programme against budget
- We have evaluated our first year’s programme and learnt from this
- We have proven our systems robust and transparent and modified them as necessary
- The diversity of our volunteers is becoming evident
- Trustees have developed a governance plan for the next year
- We are generating a substantial amount of our core budget from direct debit payments
- We have planned and are delivering an ever more sophisticated fundraising operation
Draft financial protocols
I have produced this with a view to being completely organised for the start of the next financial year. Andrew has made some very helpful suggestions which I have largely accommodated. But now we need to discuss. A final version by the January meeting would be preferred. This is a complicated document so I have googled it - sorry Mike!. Jon Davies WMUK 15:27, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
Richard Symonds (Office Manager)
- Actions