Reports 21Apr12
Below are the Board and Staff reports to the Board Meeting on 13 April 2012; see Agenda 21Apr12.
Templates for actions: {{done}} Done, {{cf}}
Carried forward, {{canc}}
If something needs discussing for longer than a minute, then please add it to the Matters Arising section on the agenda.
All board
- All budget owners are asked to complete the details of their items by the next board meeting.
- All to publicise the AGM on May 12, putting particular emphasis on booking train tickets early.
- QRpedia team to write a confidential non-binding letter to WMUK, explaining their position and the way in which they would like to proceed. JD will chase in two weeks if nothing is recieved.
Fae (and GLAM programme)
- British Library WIR ready to announce.
- GLAMwiki 2012 progressing to plan, registration page running with early commitments and volunteers.
- The National Archives programme. Initial digitization complete. WIR under discussion.
- WLM at risk,* final decision of whether to proceed in the next 30 days.
- Scotland is floating,* still interest in photography week separate from WLM.
- Historic Royal Palaces re-approach (JB handling).
- Launch meeting for GLAM upload tool project for 4th May with Europeana in The Hague. UK, FR, NL and CH currently committed after Berlin review. Due to slip in start date, the budget allocation in 2012/13 (end of Feb) is €60,000 with an expenses float.
- Wikimedia Chapters Association commitment may lead to a new approach for large GLAM programmes.
- Historic Coventry edit-a-thon - Full report emailed to board + staff
- Actions, ordered by importance
- (*) Fæ/Daria - As a countermeasure for these risks, I propose another GLAM networking event in May to encourage (new) leaders to step forward.
- (Late) MP/Fæ Blogs or reports from the recent India scholarships to be received and published, may require re-prompting.
- Fæ/JD/RS Strategy 2 day - to be scheduled for the new board as part of initial agenda.
- Fæ to establish GLAM Task Force 2 (discussed and to review with Daria along with potential for GLAM social network event)
- JD/Fæ Horniman Museum approach (JD passed to Stevie)
- (Backburner) Fæ to compile a briefing for partners on issues and expectations surrounding in-residency projects.
Done Fæ and RB to ensure that strategy is on the agenda for future meetings.
Done Fae to send a standard Non-Disclosure Agreement to JD.
Done Fae and CK to merge Friendly space policy & Participation policy and submit the result to the board for approval by email.
- (See RB report) RB, JD, Fae, Terence Eden and RS to meet to take the transfer of ownership of of QRpedia forward.
Michael Peel (Secretary)
Split into roles:
- Board
- Minutes 11Feb12, Minutes 3Mar12, Minutes 27Mar12 - ready for approval
- Minutes 15Apr12 - needs work before being ready for approval.
- Membership approvals - in-camera report for list of names and locations. Last approved 13 April.
- Need to know attendance numbers, and number of votes, for Annual Conference 2011 AGM Minutes. AT recorded these. Not essential, but nice to have.
Done (Thanks Andrew!)
- Budgets that I am (nominally) responsible for:
- 2012 Developer budget: To be expanded.
- 2012 Travel Grants budget: Wikimania, Finance Meeting, Chapters Meeting sponsorships are in progress (see below).
- 2012 Grants budget: In progress. Needs attention.
- Covering treasurer duties from AT, including making invoice payments and expense reimbursements as needed.
- Many, many emails worked through...
- RS and MP to organise circa £2.5k of funding to develop an open-source solution linking CiviCRM and UK Direct Debits.
- RB, MP, AT, JD to organise an exec meeting asap to discuss banking arrangements. RB to talk to AT regarding payment delays.
- RB, JD and MP to discuss possible AGM speakers and arrange who will be speaking and how to split the time.
- Policies outstanding: Data protection policy, Donor_Privacy_Policy/Revision, Copyright Policy
- Budgets - major issue with breakdowns of the various budget lines not being available.
- Macrogrants currently require board approval - to investigate setting up a grants committee.
- Pending:
- Microgrants/Wikinews reporter IDs - Pending preparation of a code of conduct.
- Microgrants/BL photocopies - in principle approved, but needs a page setting up to implement it.
- Microgrants/World War I resources - currently a draft microgrant, not yet submitted.
- Recently approved:
- In progress:
- Wikimania scholarships
- Finance meeting support
- Chapters meeting support
- Microgrants/Core Contest (prizes)
- Microgrants/RMS Titanic research in England and Microgrants/RMS Titanic research in Northern Ireland
- Microgrants/Oxford Law Competition
- Microgrants/Gibbons Stamp Monthly Digital Archive 1890 - 2009
- Microgrants/Copyright law
- Microgrants/Elections in Europe
- Microgrants/In Defence of Naval Supremacy
- Microgrants/Persian miniature painting book
- Microgrants/Shore Establishments of the Royal Navy
- Closing off:
- Microgrants/London Wikipedia academy - only pending confirmation that the expenses were reimbursed.
- Microgrants/Brighton Hackathon 2011 - one expense claim outstanding before this can be closed.
- WikiConference India Scholarships - Still pending some expense claims. Report being written at WikiConference India 2011 Report
- WikiSym Scholarships - Hotel bill from the WMF outstanding; needs to be paid before this can be closed off.
- Recently closed
- Administrative
- Backlogged. Reports/2011/November, Reports/2011/December, Reports/2012/January, Reports/2012/February, Reports/2012/March, Reports/2012/April. Task needs transferring to office. (Jon?)
- Sysadmin
- Normal maintenance and backups carried out.
- and domains extended for maximum period possible (from 2012 Developer budget)
- Fixed issues caused by staff using gmail rather than in-house systems.
- Volunteer
- Geocamp - on back burner at the moment, needs picking up in concert with Daria.
- Closing off Britain Loves Wikipedia
Doing... - two prizes now awarded, with the rest in progress. Need to give Jon info about this.
- List admin. wikimediauk-l: trying to sort out issue with archives being semi-confidential, and keep moderator queue clear. chapters-l: ongoing maintenance, need to pass on.
Roger Bamkin
- Actions
- RB and JD to prepare a draft on Metrics by 3 jan] <- see CK offer
Carried forward
- RB to propose an outline to the next board for next year's board structure. ((cf}}
- RB to put together a blog post & process on the wiki about the AGM, including an invitation for speakers *fail
- RB to go ahead with the ideas & plans he has come up with for the Wikimedia UK Awards. The prizes would be kept by the recipients rather than returned.
- RB to communicate the increase in the number of days of staff holiday to JD for his contract.
RB to talk to WMF Chair to see if it would be possible for WMUK representatives to sit in on the WMF board meeting.*fail- RB and JD to raise the issue of improving communication and cooperation with their counterparts at the WMF (Ting Chen and Sue Gardner respectively)
- RB to contact Pigsonthewing to provide an estimate for the cost of a web-streaming system, and to see if he's happy to webcast the Monmouth meeting. If Pigsonthewing is not available, SV will ask Sam Downey to get involved with Monmouth meeting.
- RB and AT to pay the second tranche of the WMF grant and contact Barry Newstead re: the fundraising agreement
Done RB to email the WMUK resolution about the chapters meeting around the appropriate lists, including internal-l.
Done RB, MP, AT, JD to organise an exec meeting asap to discuss banking arrangements. RB to talk to AT regarding payment delays.
- RB, JD, Fae, Terence Eden and RS to meet to take the transfer of ownership of of QRpedia forward. = Tuesday
- RB, JD and MP to discuss possible AGM speakers and arrange who will be speaking and how to split the time.
Done RB to write about the upcoming changes to the WMUK board, including any financial oversight changes. To be circulated Monday.
- Presented in Berlin at ChapCon - See YouTube
- Other stuff
- Coming Up
"Grand Project" Hertfordshire Uni with MLP (QRmedia (sic))
- April 21 slipped to May to avoid elections - Monmouthpedia launch/ celebration
- AGM on May 12 - talking or leading?
- "Communicating the Museum" - My abstract was accepted (on QRpedia). Lori had agreed to present but has now declined. Funding for Terence or I?
- Invite to present at Wikiconference in Estonia at end of May on WMUK/QRpedia
- May 19 -Monmouthpedia launch
Andrew Turvey (Treasurer)
- These have been placed here as the actions need canceling or reallocating. Mike Peel (talk) 20.08, 18 April 2012 (UTC)
- Actions
- AT - In camera minutes of 2 February 2011
- AT to contact WMF board member Jan-Bart to discuss how to locate new trustees.
- AT and JD to organise the pensions scheme -
- AT to send the list of 2012 authorising individuals around to the board for approval - New one needed?
- RB and AT to pay the second tranche of the WMF grant and contact Barry Newstead re: the fundraising agreement
- AT to implement the division of budget responsibilities amongst trustees and staff
- RB, MP, AT, JD to organise an exec meeting asap to discuss banking arrangements. RB to talk to AT regarding payment delays.
Done at last exec
Chris Keating (incl Fundraiser)
- Reports
- Fundraiser. We now know where we are, thanks to the Foundation board coming to a decision. There are huge opportunities for us to get this right. Recommendations proposed to the Board for our goals and implementation of the 2012 fundraiser.
- World War I. First WWI editathon set for 16 June. Lots of irons in this fire, working to join them all up.
- Actions
- JD and CK to reconcile the data protection and donor privacy policies.
- CK and RS to draft a Creative Commons 'Licencing Policy'. (Done, at Copyright Policy)
- Fae and CK to merge Friendly space policy & Participation policy and submit the result to the board for approval by email.
- CK and JD to set out a job description for support for WMUK fundraising
Martin Poulter (incl Education budget)
- Recent
- Contributed to annual report, including education section.
- Wrote blog post about doctors' use of Wikipedia which will soon be public. Also started on blog post about Academic Spring.
- Bristol Open Geodata Consortium is now a thing: gradually raising awareness among local contacts
- Actions
- Strategy, publicity & event preparation for Wikimedia Universities Programme
- MLP to talk to Candy regarding launch events for training the trainers
Done Midas Consulting provided a proposal along lines we agreed: see separate discussion
- MLP to devise an interactive starter session for the AGM.
- Upcoming
- Delivering training workshop for British Psychological Society
- Visit to University of Leicester with Daria about conference logistics
- Visit to University of Hertfordshire with Roger about various aspects of university engagement
Steve Virgin (incl Wikimania Bid)
- Actions
- SV to discuss whether the Science Museum's definition of 'AV equipment' includes webcasting, and how much that would cost. - *Understand this to now be with Daris (SV)
- SV will ask Sam Downey to get involved with Monmouth meeting. - done
1) PRCA/CIPR - progress, commitment and opportunity
- Onside with Monmouthpedia
- Preparing 'paper' for Board meeting on April 21 for this Board to consider (ongoing - waiting to see it)
- Agreeing to a speaker for AGM to discuss the start of a PR industry-Wikimedia UK dialogue (Fernando Rizo is very likely - waiting for confirmation)
- Agreeing to collaborate on promoting Monmouthpedia
- Interested in an on-going dialogue (Working Group) to discuss issues - should the AGM reception go down well
2) Wikimania Bid Submitted weekend of 14 April - some minor clarifications and answered question this week done..believe decision is to be made by end of April (28th is day mooted)
3) Monmouthpedia
- designed and driven a strategy for the communications for this event
- helped get the idea clear to the right people (Stevie Benton, Roger and John in Monmouth) + Helen Reynolds
- helped recruit the right people to support it (Sam Downie on media)
- worked with stevie - who is managing the implementation - all the way along the line
- optimistic that (when the 4-5 press releases are finished) - we'll have an event that can be very successful
- this has taken two visits and lots of phone calls and emailss
Jon Davies (CEO)
- 2012 programme report for April board at
- Data protection insurance. Quote for £2000+ to protect our data - seems absurdly expensive. Have questioned insurance company.
- JD/Office to look into a software solution to track actions and plans.
Doing... Looking at which actions most meaningful to track track. Have asked for people's preferences and am receiving suggestions. First suggestions = payment of expenses, payment of invoices. thanks emails to donors, replies to emails and phone messages.
- RB and JD to prepare a draft on Metrics by 3 Jan.
Doing... See 2 – should all integrate. Will fit in to five year plan targets. See above.
- JD, MP, SV and CK to assemble a first draft of the Annual Report by February for the Board to review it. Several contributions received by March 1st. Stevie Benton now in post and has posted a pdf draft of the Annual Report for comment. Emailed round on 22nd March. Deadline for finished copy March 31st.
- JD to set up the process of a trustee induction for new trustees. Fae has participated in one day course. Will be able to offer similar to all trustees at local venue through regional voluntary sector organisations. Then move on to the whole board training Fae has arranged with Peter Williams.
- AT and JD to organise the pensions scheme
Doing... Has become MORE complicated.
- JD to push forward the QRPedia transfer of ownership. Has become embroiled in broader issues around Monmouth. Now with Fae.
- JD to integrate the text from the Google document into 2012 Activity Plan, and to use that as the main point for developing the plans for our activities this year. Awaiting feedback from stakeholders
- Draft five year plan - discuss at Board
- JD to communicate the increase in the number of days of staff holiday with other staff and modify their contracts as needed.
- JD and CK to reconcile the data protection and donor privacy policies.
- JD to take a standard Non-Disclosure Agreement and redraft it into something suitable for WMUK.
- JD to draft a harassment prevention process, including the steps leading to referring a situation to the police.
- JD to draft an expansion of the whistleblowing policy set out in the staff policies, to allow non-staff members to whistleblow.
- RB and JD to raise the issue of improving communication and cooperation with their counterparts at the WMF (Ting Chen and Sue Gardner respectively)
- JD to turn the draft sysadmin requirements into a proposal to send out the the industry.
- CK and JD to set out a job description for support for WMUK fundraising
- RB, MP, AT, JD to organise an exec meeting asap to discuss banking arrangements. RB to talk to AT regarding payment delays.
- RB, JD, Fae, Terence Eden and RS to meet to take the transfer of ownership of of QRpedia forward.
- RB, JD and MP to discuss possible AGM speakers and arrange who will be speaking and how to split the time.
- RS and JD to come up with a list of those people attending the Monmouth meeting for the purposes of planning meals, hotel rooms, etc.
- JD to raise any outstanding financial issues in a simple ledger/report to the board at Monmouth
- Requested action/question from MP: could the equal opportunities statistics for staff hires (both past and future) be publicly released?
- Requested action/question from MP: I understand that there is a shared calendar that sets out WMUK staff activities and holidays. Please could this be made publicly available?
Six month Chief Executive review material is here:
As requested a review of the first six months of WMUK since my appointment File:6 month review for Board.pdf
- Wikimania - ensuring equity of approach between Bristol and London bids.
Richard Symonds (Office Manager)
- Actions
- RS to assist with chasing and clearing the backlog of outstanding submission of expense claims.
- RS to include disputed transactions in the weekly backlog reports. (???? Victuallers 17:10, 3 January 2012 (UTC)
Carried forward
- Refers to paypal donations that have been disputed on paypal for some reason by the donor - e.g. if they accidentally donated twice. Mike Peel 18:50, 3 January 2012 (UTC))
Done zero backlog at present.
- RS to set up weekly email of pending members to the board for approval. Also to look into 'red flagging' systems to identify any problematic membership applications that might be received.
Carried forward
- Currently fortnightly. Richard Symonds (WMUK) 10:29, 12 February 2012 (UTC)
- CK and RS to draft a Creative Commons 'Licencing Policy'. (Done, at Copyright Policy)
- RS and MP to organise circa £2.5k of funding to develop an open-source solution linking CiviCRM and UK Direct Debits.
- RS to send an email around to board members to see which board members are likely to want to go to WM2012.
- RS to send an email to James Farrar to thank him for agreeing to be a teller.
- RS to email SV and ask how many rooms we have available for the AGM - we now have three tracks, rather than two, which could be problematic if there are only two rooms - Daria has done this -
- RS to email the UK list to ask for submissions for possible talks at the AGM.
- RS to email a list of 'interesting donors' to RB, who will ask them if they would like to speak at our AGM.
Carried forward
- RS to distribute information about the shared WMUK calendar system.
- RB, JD, Fae, Terence Eden and RS to meet to take the transfer of ownership of of QRpedia forward.
- RS and JD to come up with a list of those people attending the Monmouth meeting for the purposes of planning meals, hotel rooms, etc.
- Tellers to write a blog post about the AGM elections, to be circulated Monday
- RS to make an Office Calendar which is more publicly accessible.
Stevie Benton
- Comms person to look into organising a media training day for staff, trustees and volunteers.
- Annual Report being finalised. Latest version of the designed report is at 2012 Annual Report/Design, minor amends to be with designer on Monday 23 April
- Work continues to support MonmouthpediA. International press release drafted. Lots of content edited and uploaded to the press site at
- Media enquiries taken from Metro about the PRSA story on Wikipedia pages about companies, from Irish radio (Today FM) about how Wikipedia works, from Independent on Sunday about republishers and from Calcalist (Israeli business newspaper) about MonmouthpediA
- Along with Richard Symonds, met with The Times about an ongoing piece of research they are doing around PR companies editing Wikipedia. It's a very amicable relationship so far
- More work done with Steve Virgin on developing our relationship with the PRCA and the CIPR (latest draft email to these bodies is below)
- Blog post published about the changes to the WMUK board and another circulated about the use of Wikipedia pages by doctors
- Made a start on the comms review, looking at our channels, policies and resources
Draft email to the CIPR and PRCA about obtaining a set of principles and a speaker for the AGM:
To: Phil Morgan (CIPR), Francis Ingham (PRCA) Cc: Sarah McMonagle, Andrew Ross (both CIPR), Aeneas Tole, Katharine Barney (both PRCA), Fernando Rizo, Steve Virgin
Dear Phil and Francis,
I write regarding the relationship that Wikimedia UK is working to develop with your organisations and your clients.
We're quickly approaching a couple of major landmarks for Wikimedia UK. We have our AGM on 12 May at the Science Museum and we have the global launch of MonmouthpediA on 19 May in Monmouth, south Wales. As you know, we've been trying to move things forward to develop an understanding between the Wikipedia community and the PR industry, in order to be able to work together, making sure that content about businesses and other clients is accurate and fair to the benefit of everybody.
In order to be able to promote this effectively within our community, we need two things. Firstly, we need to establish some working principles on how we would actually work together. Secondly, we need someone from within the industry to present on these suggested principles to our AGM. On the presentation side, Fernando Rizo has been mooted, both as a prominent PR professional and as a Wikipedian. In order to reserve a slot on what is a very packed AGM agenda we need confirmation that Fernando is able to speak. I understand that Aeneas is working on this. On the principles, my initial understanding was that something was that an early working version of this was going to be worked on by the CIPR's social media group in time for the board meeting on 21 April. Since this date has now passed it's important that we get these principles as soon as possible so that they can be worked on and discussed by all parties, getting them to a satisfactory state for presentation on 12 May.
On MonmouthpediA, we're still working hard to create content to support the PR campaign. This includes a dedicated press site ( which will contain lots of copy, background, context, five targeted press releases (local, Wales, UK, international, tech), video and stills. As previously discussed, this is a great opportunity for members of the PR industry to come together with Wikimedia and help to nurture a mutually beneficial relationship. With only four weeks to go until the Monmouth launch we're still hoping to recruit some volunteers from within your membership to help with the promotion of this global first.
There's been a lot of work put into these initiatives, and these relationships, from all sides. This is a brilliant chance to begin sweeping away the mistakes that both sides have made in the past and to set a new standard on how our we work together - which, given the less than helpful activity from the PRSA in the States recently, couldn't be more timely. I hope that this email will spur us all on to really get a second wind so we can really make the most of this golden opportunity.
Kind regards,
Stevie (or Steve V)