Reports 9Feb13
Below are the Board, Staff and Committee action statuses and reports to the Board Meeting on 9-10 February 2013; see Agenda 9Feb13.
Reports placed on this page will be provided to the WMUK trustees in advance of the meeting both/either digitally (via links to this page) and/or by paper (when requested by a trustee). The opportunity for other trusteesto ask questions about these reports will be provided during the meeting. Anything that needs to be discussed, or needs a decision or resolution, should be included in the main agenda rather than being included on this page.
Please do not alter the 'outstanding actions' section except to update the current status of those. If you add or record any actions upon yourself that have not been raised in past meetings, then please add them under 'other actions'.
Please also see the in-camera reports and actions.
Templates for actions: {{done}} Done, {{cf}}
Carried forward, {{canc}}
Please ask questions on the talk page.
All trustees
- (12 May) All board to read about Associates and Fellows.
- (30 Jun) Fae, JD, SB, CK [see minutes] to develop contingency plans (corrective and preventative action) along with associated estimates of time and cost, to recommend to the Executive.
Cancelled - no use now.
- (8 Sep) All Board and staff to check this [trustee authorisation limits policy change].
- (17 Nov) All Directors to check if their details are current on the Register of Directors.
- (17 Nov) Board to clarify what reports are required for each meeting.
Done (Where is this clarification?)
- (17 Nov) All Trustees and JD: If there is substantial, or substantive correspondence where there is any significant impact for the chapter, the board should be notified.
- (17 Nov) Board to review the COI policy in the light of the recommendations of the governance review, due February 2013.
- (17 Nov) With SC leading, all to work on the general charter for committee with delegated powers from the Board of Trustees.
- (8 Jan) All to look at unapproved board meeting minutes and make comments as necessary.
Chris Keating (Chair)
- My main activity since the last Board meeting has been the Governance Review.
- I also continue to meet Jon roughly once a fortnight
- Met with Ed and James from the Wikimania bid team in the first week of Jan to
- Attending media training on Saturday 2nd
Outstanding actions
- (19 Sep) Action on CK to prepare a public statement on Roger's resignation.
- (19 Sep) CK to move forward with a call for a new trustee, to be appointed before the November board meeting.
Michael Peel (Secretary)
- Have dealt with far too many emails. My current backlog is ~200 emails.
- Microgrant updates: please see Microgrants/Applications and Reports/2013/January#Microgrants.
- Signed tax returns for 2011-12 financial year (see File:HMRC_Tax_Return,_2011-12.pdf). Confirmation that HMRC has received them is at File:374.pdf.
- Letter to the co-op bank regarding the resignation dates of past trustees printed, signed and posted to the Office on 17 Jan.
- Many thanks to the office for making invoices available on the office wiki. I'm glad to see that you are consuming so much coffee. However, I would recommend that you purchase a black and white laser printer so that you don't consume so much colour toner! (Usage this year is four black, two cyan, three yellow and four magenta toners. I'm assured that the office will be reviewing this soon.)
- Have set out a first draft of the 2013 AGM at WikiConference UK 2013.
- Have worked on Agreements and Suppliers.
- Have been working with Katherine, Emmanuel and Tom on the migration of WMUK's websites from my server (where I've been donating webspace, maintenance and development work) to servers run and maintained by WMUK. This has been progressing very well, albeit with some glitches.
- Attended media training on 2 Feb
- Have reformatted Loose_media_plan_for_2013v1 into standard wikitext.
- Have similarly worked on the formatting of Risk_Register.
- Have set out Category:Risk and Category:Office_reports.
Outstanding actions
- (30 Jun) Fæ/MP to add report deadlines to Board meetings.
Cancelled Now CK's role, happy to help with this if he wants.
- (8 Sep) MP, DT, RB, SB to work through the outstanding issues with the Gibraltarpedia MoU.
- (9 Oct) MP to assemble a list of public and in-camera minutes which are ready for approval or have previously been approved, and set up a voting page on the office wiki to approve them and decide whether they should be made public or not. New in-camera minutes will be posted to the board wiki for now, and moved onto the office or public wikis as the board decides. Office to assist MP wherever possible.
Doing... see Reports 9Feb13/Minutes review
- (17 Nov) MP to assemble a list of unapproved minutes to be approved at the next board meeting.
Doing... see Reports 9Feb13/Minutes review
John Byrne (Treasurer)
- (Add items here)
Outstanding actions
- (30 Jun) JB to make a recommendation to the Exec [about account signatories and access] -
Cancelled never got existing list
- (17 Nov) The working party of JB, DT and SC to provide recommendations to the Board as to how to proceed with Wikimedians in Residence. JD meant?
- (17 Nov) JB to check the Financial Report and circulate it to the Board for information.
Done circulated, surely.
- (17 Nov) JB/RS to release the Management Accounts publicly.
Done RS done
- (17 Nov) JB to recommend a change to the board regarding the 'office expenses' line in 4 of the finance policy
Done Done, see Finance Policy
- (17 Nov) JB to recommend a figure for payment limits to the board.
Done Done with TtheT review, no?
- (17 Nov) JB to place the revised finance policy on the main wiki for comments prior to approval.
Done Done in Nov
- (17 Nov) JB to put forward a proposal on train the trainers potential income issue. Was I?
- (24 Jan) JB to talk to RS about the technical setup required for Sage. Information to be communicated to the WMUK tech list.
Carried forward RS is handling/has handled I think.
- (24 Jan) JB to report about changes implemented based on the last management letter and Garfield's letter at the next board meeting (in the treasurer's report).
Carried forward
My report has no time on the agenda, so I am keeping it short enough to fit the time given. I am happy to answer questions during the meeting, should anyone have any.
Outstanding actions
Actions previously had unique numbers based on meeting and sequential number. I am not going to scan through minutes by date to get the context, and try to work out the cross references for actions that have no unique reference. When we have an agreed system, I will happily review actions. In the meantime I have switched off my bot from refreshing Board meetings/2012-13 List of actions by bot as this is not going to help.
- (30 Jun) Fæ/MP to add report deadlines to Board meetings.
- (30 Jun) Fæ and Doug to lead the assembly of the GLAM and education sub-committees respectively.
- (30 Jun) Fæ to update schedule of meetings to include telecons.
- (17 Nov) Fae to put forward supplementary rules for voting by the board of trustees and for committees to supplement the basics set out in the Articles of Association. (Post-meeting note: draft started at User:Fæ/Draft supplementary rules for voting.)
Doug Taylor
- Education Committee met on Wednesday, 30 January 2013, 18:00 to 20:20 by conference call. The minutes are at Education Committee/Education Committee meeting January 2013/Minutes.
- The recruitment policy is scheduled for discussion under Policies & Decisions 4.2 at this meeting.
- The Gibraltarpedia MoU has not progressed, but hopefully the Governance Review and QRpedia agreement may open paths for us to move forward.
- To some extent, the issues around Wikimedians in Residence have crystallised through Daria's efforts in reaching agreements with the partners in this round. I recommend that we should still review the process for lessons learned.
- Dan Haigh, a member who regularly organises our Manchester meetups, kindly agreed to perform the Training the Trainers review and presented it on 14 January 2013. I hope the Board will accept and implement the recommendations at the earliest opportunity.
- I believe that a mutually satisfactory agreement on QRpedia has now been reached.
Outstanding actions
- (30 Jun) Fæ and Doug to lead the assembly of the GLAM and education sub-committees respectively.
- (8 Sep) DT and JD to work on a revised version of the recruitment policy, for discussion at the next board meeting.
- (8 Sep) MP, DT, RB, SB to work through the outstanding issues with the Gibraltarpedia MoU.
- (17 Nov) The working party of JB, DT and SC to provide recommendations to the Board as to how to proceed with Wikimedians in Residence.
- (8 Jan) DT to find an independent volunteer to perform a short review of the TtT issues in time for Midas to be contracted for the event.
- (8 Jan) SC and DT to continue discussions about QRpedia with RB
Saad Choudri
- (Add items here)
Outstanding actions
- (17 Nov) SC to include his declarations in the Declarations of Interest before the next meeting.
- (17 Nov) The working party of JB, DT and SC to provide recommendations to the Board as to how to proceed with Wikimedians in Residence.
- (17 Nov) SC to take a look at the Trustee DOI Review and soften it where needed.
- (8 Jan) SC and DT to continue discussions about QRpedia with RB
The Chief Exec is responsible for the reports under this section.
- CE report
- Managing 2013-14 plan, KPI's and quarterly reporting
- HR support - report to board in person.
- Risk register
- Management Accounts
- Comms report, including supplement on previous recommendations
- Events report
- Fundraising report
Outstanding actions
- (12 May) RS to send links around to the Associates and Fellows proposal. (
Done as per Reports 30Jun12)
- (12 May) RS to include these [COI declarations] within the main register of interests.
- (30 Jun) RS to make a schedule of signatories for all bank accounts, and send to JB
Done on office wiki, but not sent to JB
- (30 Jun) RS to update declarations of interest page for board
- (30 Jun) JD to ensure all trustees understand DOI policy, and that there is a statement of this on the UK wiki.
Carried forward
- (30 Jun) Jon to direct Stevie to write a blog post and solicit feedback on the annual report.
- (30 Jun) JD to draft and cost a contingency plan to hire contractors if no-one suitable is found [for the developer role]. Circumstances moved on.
- (30 Jun) Fae, JD, SB, CK [see minutes] to develop contingency plans (corrective and preventative action) along with associated estimates of time and cost, to recommend to the Executive.
Cancelled as per board reports section - "no use now".
- (30 Jun) JD to create a Volunteer Engagement Strategy to present to the board and community. Amalgamated into 2013-14 programme.
- (30 Jun) JD and staff to assemble a list of the key metrics for assessing the performance of the organisation.
- (30 Jun) RS to report on Per Diems in September, as to if there have been any over-claims or any abuse of the system.
- (26 Jul) RS to check that we have sent the Foundation everything they need for us to participate in the FDC.
Done with much help from KB
- (26 Jul) RS to circulate this statement [new Chair] on the blog, wiki (on the minutes), UK email list.
- (26 Jul) JD to write a brief hiring policy in the next two weeks that brings in both community involvement and board involvement.
- (8 Sep) SB will set up a blank page so that the community can discuss what questions we should ask if we were to do a general volunteer survey.
- (8 Sep) KB (& others?) to work on a joining pack for new members.
- (8 Sep) RS and KB to write a membership report for future meetings.
- (8 Sep) DT and JD to work on a revised version of the recruitment policy, for discussion at the next board meeting.
- (8 Sep) JD to move the revised recruitment policy draft to the public wiki.
- (8 Sep) JD to add section to the Representing Wikimedia UK policy about volunteer liability insurance.
- (8 Sep) RS to start page listing everyone on office for checking and transfer to WMUK.
- (8 Sep) All Board and staff to check this [trustee authorisation limits policy change].
- (8 Sep) RS to check Finance policy updated to reflect this [trustee authorisation limits].
- (8 Sep) MP, DT, RB, SB to work through the outstanding issues with the Gibraltarpedia MoU.
- (17 Nov) RS to confirm the status of payment of JB's membership dues, and to update his membership record as appropriate.
- (17 Nov) KB to review whether vetting of members is needed, assess how other organisations do this, and provide a recommendation to the Board.
Carried forward
- (17 Nov) JD to send the draft MGS agreement, and any similar agreements, to the Executive working group.
- (17 Nov) DC to put together a recommendation of the top four WiR positions from her perspective.
Done - after the Board meeting where a WiR working group was chosen, these were emailed out for the group's consideration on 28/11/2012
- (17 Nov) JD to bring a proposal for alterations to the budget allocations to the board.
- (17 Nov) JD to clarify how much the mass upload tool being developed by Europeana should be budgeted for next year.
Done In 2013-14 budget.
- (17 Nov) RS to explain why there was a large spend on Office Stationery in August 2012.
- (17 Nov) JB/RS to release the Management Accounts publicly.
- (17 Nov) JD to report back in three weeks with a revised 2013 plan with as much detail as he thinks is necessary, which the board will then add to. JD/RS should include breakdowns of the biggest budgets (e.g. how much does a board meeting cost)
- (17 Nov) JD to develop clear guidance and processes about what these proposals [Volunteer DOI] mean in practice, broadly in line with 1 and 1.1, so that volunteers know what to expect and feel supported in dealing with this kind of situation. The board accepted that this may take some time, but that it is necessary. JD to further develop the proposals [Volunteer DOI] into policy and practice with community input.
Done Awaiting board agreement.
- (17 Nov) RS to implement the system of having a wiki page saying how much money is left in each budget and what is going to be coming out according to current plans in terms of projects and corresponding amounts.
Doing.... Dependent on new Sage arriving to generate the required data.
- (24 Jan) JD to ask RN/RS to insert the finance changes from the review of the midas agreements into the draft revised finance policy.
- (24 Jan) JD to send JB a copy of the draft Wikimania MoU for his comments.
- (24 Jan) JD to set up a doodle poll for a potential extra in-person board meeting in early May.
- (30 Jun) HJM to provide a list of members of the Conference Committee.
- WikiConference 2013
- Dean Centre has been booked - (T&C on office, booking form on office).
- Draft budget - 2013 Activity Plan/WikiConference UK 2013.
- Progress of the work can be seen here.
- Education Committee met on 30 January 2013 ( minutes). The key action resulting from this is:
- ACTION: for the Board - approve the Memorandum of Understanding document to be used for trainers attending the Train the Trainers workshop. This has been reviewed by the Education Committee, who is happy with its shape and is now submitting for the Board for approval.
There is nobody here to write a report. As far as I am aware, since I stepped back to become an observer, in line with the WMF audit recommendations on governance, there is no volunteer free or able to lead this committee. --Fæ (talk) 17:25, 31 January 2013 (UTC)
- See IT Development and subpages.
Discuss Whether to move this wiki to WMUK hosting - see IT Development/This wiki (on main agenda)
- ...